موضوع: The Site
Found it : I have to make a call like this : https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/runs?category=XYZ&orderby=submitted&sort=desc&status=new
موضوع: The Site
I'm looking for the correct way to get runs that are awaiting verification for a game, or if it's more simple, just for a specific category (I could do multiple calls for each categories of the game).
I see the category endpoint returns the run status field, but i'm not sure how I can call the endpoint and filter using it the status field instead of parsing all runs, including obsolete runs of a category. There must be a more efficient way ?
موضوع: Spelunky
we don't have all our categories on speedrun.com, you can submit a tutorial% on mossranking.com where we have a ton of categories.
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