Englandretired8 years ago

Check out the gears of war discord channel were the GOW community resides. Where we talk about strats, skips, general stuff and take the piss out of acllive.


Englandretired8 years ago

Hi, this is mainly aimed at Skaleks.

I am currently the GOW3 Moderator requesting to be a moderator for GOW4.

I primarilly ran GOW3 Horde speedruns and now recently aquired GOW4 and routed it a few times I am wanting to do GOW4 runs aswell as GOW3.

I have a few IL runs aswell as a Any% normal run to submit.

I propose that the formatting of the categories for Horde to be the same as GOW3 with the exception of difficulty.


Horde Any% Casual Horde Any% Normal Horde Any % Hardcore Horde Any% Insane

With the potential of doing individual level runs like GOW3 but obviously x 4 difficulty levels.

Rules stay the same as GOW3. No mutators, no cheats, waves 1-50 and video must contain footage of all 50 waves.

Unlike GOW3, GOW4 no longer has a "end of game screen" with a final ingame time. (WHICH IS A HUGE PAIN IN THE ARSE AND I HOPE THEY PATCH ASAP!) Because of this; Timing is based on the accumulative total of ingame time for each individual wave.

I have routed the horde runs via PC and XBOX and there is no diffrence so having a PC and XBOX category is redundant. Especially as timing is based off ingame time. This can't be said for story mode however and that needs to still be split between PC and XBOX.

I will submit my Normal any% run to the current horde 3.0 Any% category but I would change the category to Normal Horde 3.0 Any% and add the other 3 difficulties.

I plan on getting between 3-5 runs done and submitted every week for atleast the next 2 months to try and get some baseline set for GOW4 horde runs.

Englandretired9 years ago

Hi guys, any reason why there isn't a speedrun.com twitch team? I don't know what it takes to make one but it would be good to start one up?


Englandretired9 years ago

Hey it would be really good for users to be able to see the latest 10 posts on the forum on the front page.

The way I thought it could work is if you reduced the main column max width to 1024px and add a floating DIV underneath the twitter widget with the latest 10 posts from the forum.

It might encourage people visiting the site to post more on the forums.

tatticadanito, xDrHellx, و Madzinah تُحب هذا
Englandretired9 years ago

Hey small tweak to the site that I think would save a lot of aggro for newcomers and shouldn't be a hard addition to the script...

If you search for a game and no results come back. Instead of just saying "No Results" change it to "No Results. Do you want to submit a run for this game?" or something similar with a link to the request game.

And if you wanted to be really picky then you can add it to the bottom of the search results regardless of the results.


Game Doesn't Exist? Request Game here

tatticadanito, xDrHellx, و Madzinah تُحب هذا
Englandretired9 years ago

Hey guys,

I thought I start a thread for people to show of their own Twitch panel art etc.

I was really bored at work yesterday so I ended up making my own. What art do you guys have on yours?


Englandretired9 years ago

Hey, I just noticed that the latest runs list on the front page works on the basis of what the date is set to on the run submission rather than the time the submission was made/verified.


If I just submitted and verified a run today, which was completed yesterday and I set the date to the 15th June it will appear at the very bottom of the latest runs list.

surely. The list should populate from when runs are verified and listed rather than the date used within the submission form.

I can only assume it's done like this because there is no timestamp recorded when runs get verified and there is nothing else to hook to?

Englandretired9 years ago

Hi Guys,

I am looking for some sega megadrive, megacd or saturn games to do speed runs of.

At the moment I run mainly run games which are around 1hr-4hrs long so looking for games which I can run within 30minutes - 1hour.

Any ideas?

Englandretired9 years ago

Hi Guys,

So I just wanted to see if anyone had some decent knowledge between the difference between PAL and NTSC versions of 16bit era games (Sega Megadrive/SNES)

I am a huge video game collector and I pretty much own every commerical PAL release for the Megadrive and I would love to start doing some sort of series where I do speed runs of the megadrive games and give the SEGA brand some much needed love.

However... Most of my collection is PAL. In recent speed running routing I got a NTSC and PAL copy of "The Terminator" for the Sega Megadrive. Doing the same run, same route (Pretty much identical) The PAL version of the game was on average around 4 minutes slower than the NTSC version.

There are some other noticeable differences like the in game music. The Music in the NTSC is much faster than the PAL and it seems that the overall speed of the game is around x1.5 the speed of PAL.

Now... Is this going to be the case with most 16 bit games? Do NTSC versions run slightly faster than PAL? Or is this a one off? I want to be able to set some competitive times for the games and much rather running it through the hardware than an emulator and rather use my PAL copies instead of everdrive roms.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Englandretired9 years ago

Hey! Couldn't think of a decent introduction thread title which wasn't Hi. or Hello. so deal with it :)

I'm Swingflip and I speedrun games. I used to focus more in game development and making video games but always been a long time support of GDQ and watching speed runs so I started up last year.

I currently Run 4 games across the Sega MegaDrive, Sega CD, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, I also hold a few WR times in games. I am also a long time video game collector, my main collection is Sega Megadrive and I almost have every commercial PAL release for the Megadrive.

I am interested in running some Sega Megadrive/Genesis games as I believe there isn't enough love for the Sega.

I recently brought a house and moving in a week so once I moved and properly set up my consoles and rig I will be doing a lot of original hardware speed runs and going through the collection.

My twitch is at twitch.tv/swingflip2014 if you are interested. If you could give me a follow that would be good. :) It just gives validity to your account.

Anyway... Hi guys! :)


TwitterLover المعجبون بهذا
Englandretired9 years ago

Hey can you add me as a mod please and add in the Co-op Any% Category please.

Englandretired9 years ago

Hey can you add me as a mod please and add in the Co-op Any% Category please.

Englandretired9 years ago

Hey guys, this is for people like me who have a crap ton of consoles to hook up and I am just wondering what people do and would recommend...

At the moment I got my 4k 50inch HD tv hooked up to the:

Mega Drive, Master System, Mega CD, Saturn, Dreamcast, Snes, NES, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Blu Ray Player, Wii, Wii U, spectrum and N64.

I run most of the console through AV to my sound mixer which has 12 av input and connect the mixer to the TV via AV.

The rest of the HDMI consoles I hook up to a automatic HDMI switcher.

I then run my capture card (mainly the HDMI consoles at the moment) from the HDMI switch to the Roxio Pro HD card straight into the TV.

On top of this I got 7.1 hooked up in the back of the mixer so as you can imagine its a fucking nightmare! It takes about 3 hours to plug everything in and it's a bloody nightmare.

I am wondering if anybody has a similar issue and if so what they did to make it more manageable? Also my HD TV only has 2 HDMI ports in the back and I am running my capture card through the HDMI switch, would this make any difference on the quality of the capture?

Englandretired9 years ago

Hi so I was wanting to run some more obscure games for the Sega Genesis/Sega CD and I was just wondering how you go about getting these games added to speedrun.com ?

Englandretired9 years ago

So I recently been messing around with some games I haven't played in ages and I recently started to play Gears of War 3 again. Then it came to me...It would be really cool to speed run GoW3 Horde 1-50 waves on different levels. There is a good mix of skill, R and G and luck involved and it also has a built in in-game timer making timing Horde runs really easy.

From what I can tell there is no real speedruns of GoW3 or to be more specific Horde speedruns. So I thought I would start the ball rolling and hopefully some other people might join in as it's a fun run to do.

Gears of War 3 - Mercy Horde 50 wave Speed Run - 1:46:26 - 28/05/2015 http://www.twitch.tv/swingflip2014/c/6756818 (sorry sounds fucked)

Gears of War 3 - Overpass Horde 50 wave Speed Run - 2:04:41 - 24/05/2015

Also I would be interested in doing a Insane story play through with someone or a group of people (Insane difficulty = almost 1 hit kill with everything and instant death)

I just wondered what peoples thoughts are on this as I am wanting to set some times for different levels within GoW3 Horde.

If you want to know more about GoW3 Horde mode click here: http://gearsofwar.wikia.com/wiki/Horde_2.0

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الألعاب المُجراة
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