New Hampshire, USApandugofast6 years ago

Hello there!

Based on past post history I think it is a fair assessment to put me in the boat of "internal dissent" in the past, but I'm willing to move past that. I personally agree with the notion of two separate discords, but as Nez has suggested I have created dedicated channels in the Squirrel Squad to help bring new blood into the community. By no means do I think that Squirrel Squad should be the "official" Discord for V2 because it has just too much else going on. I'll certainly support the community as much as I can - after all, the Squirrel Squad was originally a speedrunning Discord. Not capitalizing on the volume we are receiving would be a foolish mistake.

Given that this game is new I don't think the challenges that we encountered in the past will be an issue. The rule set will be established based on an active community consensus, rather than the submission of an uncontested run (as in VT1) and that is a great thing for the public perception and participation among the community. If nothing else I would simply urge that the community voice is heard. If anything will see to the success of this community it will be the active and consistent participation in that community.

The vast majority of our initial suggestions on the VT1 page were eventually implemented, but were initially dismissed which was the primary source of my extreme frustration. Not to mention the vast majority of those running at the time were entirely disinterested in even submitting runs to begin with because the ruleset was largely out-dated. At the time I joined the speedrun.com community the page was 2 some odd full game runs of the game on Hard. There was some confusion in regards to the use of mods and even some runs were rejected as a result of evidence of mods being used. I recall that a "Nightmare with mods" category was created at a point in time which was just silly and really telling of the disconnection with the current status of the community. You could quite literally just force win the map with a keybind with currently available mod tools. What sort of a category is that? Any sort of involvement in the community would have made that apparent. It was a time of serious turmoil but as a result the VT1 page is where it is today. As much as I was abrasive it was in a lot ways that my persistence and sheer boisterousness were productive. New categories were created and filled, glitchless was separated from any%, solo, 2P and 4P could compete in isolation - yet when we initially made all of these suggestions they were all initially dismissed mostly on the grounds that the categories would be empty. I understand that fear, but active participation in the community would have dissolved any such fear immediately. We had more than enough people willing to fill all of these categories and all of these categories were indeed filled. Quite a stark contrast to the initial ruling that only Hard Difficulty is viable to run, right? Times change, metas change. Only Active participation in game and community can allow a rule set to adjust to these changes.

As I said before, I don't think these kind of issues will be present in V2. We all have a fresh start and there is no out-dated, arbitrary rule set to contest. There is an active community already present at the birth of the page and I see this as an opportunity to start off on a new foot and make this community as successful and prolific as we possibly can. I've had IRL-aggro the likes of which I cannot even convey lately, but I truly look forward to conversing with all of you in the future!

Community, community, community.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast6 years ago

Yo! Justin is new to the site and made a bit of a mistake. All of the runs that were submitted into the Cataclysm any% were actually intended to be submitted for the Cataclysm Glitchless category. They can be resubmitted if necessary (they might have been already?).

jeez0 المعجبون بهذا
New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

We've successfully reverted to patch 1.5 without the use of mods and we're currently working on uploading an entire copy of the 1.5 game for players to download who didn't back up prior to patch 1.6.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

And as a separate question: If you were to created a so called "modded" category, what would be the limitations in place? Would certain mods be disallowed? At what point would you draw the line and say "that's too much"? I gave the extreme example of the ability to just instantly force win the game with 7 grimoires using a simple keybind. Would we just allow everything until something ruined the fun too much or became too broken, or would we agree on a mod pack?

TLDR: I feel like whatever the outcome of the modded category, it has the potential to divide an already miniscule community.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

If the mod pack includes purely quality of life modifications then I don't see a reason why it would merit it's own category. For instance: A weapon/trinket overlay does not impact gameplay or put you at an unfair advantage to users who don't have mods installed. Neither does something like a numerical ping counter. But something like improved attack prioritization on bots seems unfair to me. I suppose that could merit it's own category purely on the grounds that it's kind of not a fair competition anymore. But I still don't see why all players can't just agree to not alter the original gameplay in any manner which puts you at an unfair advantage. I'm sure we all have different ideas as to what seems "unfair" or should be separated by category, so I guess my question to you is what do you deem as "cheats" (IE what features would you personally include in the mod pack)?'

Edit: Just for clarification, none of these "features" I've suggested above are hypothetical. They exist and are readily available.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

I'm not opposed to the idea in itself but I'm indirectly opposed to the notion on the basis that we will alienate players. If just speedrunning the game (glitchless) requires the installation of a mod or requires that they can't utilize perfectly intended things in the original game then I think it's a bad idea. Especially since the site format somehow necessitates that the IL ruleset is not visible unless you click on a particular level, I think we'll see people doing great runs and then getting rejected because they drank a potion...

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

Modded category: Ctrl+Shift+F2. Great run guys.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

Also agree with Jeez0. It's easy to get a buddy to put times down with. It's not easy to get four, even with a dedicated Discord full of people.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

Grimalackt already has an injector in the works that contains only quality of life modifications (although I'm still trying to convince him to take out the bot improvements). I'll mention the wall climb fix to him as an addition.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

Was I rude to you? Absolutely. Do I feel it was uncalled for? Not really. You were being extremely authoritative on subjects while simultaneously making extremely asinine arguments. What really got under my skin was the fact that you were just so quick to dismiss and retort and defend the way things were, as if they were somehow etched into stone. As you yourself said on a thread on this very forum 10 months ago - We were the only runners in this community so there was never any discussions about these things. I can understand how being the moderator of so many games could cause you to quite quickly dismiss others suggestions on the grounds of past experience, but literally nothing you were saying was making any sense.

When we spoke, from my perspective, it very much felt as if you were just trying to come up with reasons as to why my suggestions were invalid. Suggestion: add 2P as a category

  • It doesn't make any difference in completion times (this simply isn't true).
  • Times are fastest with 4 players, so you should run with 4 players.
  • Empty categories are bad (I'm sure you've seen how these categories have filled up in no time).
  • I'm concerned about bot manipulation (despite the fact that you participated in and self approved a 4P run which did just that). And we can't forget the obligatory: - you're new to the SR community and this is the way things are.

These were the counter arguments you presented me and I couldn't help but be frustrated because literally none of these are valid counter arguments, yet I could feel this extremely strong air of authority and dominance.

As far as the thread I made. I simply made a couple of points. a.) There is zero interest in the full game run currently and it hasn't received a submission in over 7 months. b.) Putting it at the top of the board gives the impression that the game is dead. I'm sure the bigger reason it was deleted was because I called you an idiot, and I don't revoke that claim. You've said some stupid things and you've justified some stupid rules with stupid arguments.

Point is, I care about this game and it's largely in part to my efforts that this community has suddenly popped back into existence. Having to go through you specifically has been especially frustrating because of your learned position of authority, which you came into possession of not by some formal qualifications or experience thereof, but because you got your foot in the door first. I'm not the only one who has gotten a bad impression of you, or lashed out at you. It's something about the combination of ignorance and total confidence that is really triggering. If you still want your name to appear on that precious moderator list, so be it, but I think you need to recognize that there are people far more qualified to handle your position than you are, and you shouldn't be so quick to defend the status quo, just because you've been active in the community for a long time.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

I don't see any reason why suggestions shouldn't be openly discussed on the forum rather than one on one with you personally. After all, the community input is important, as little as you seem to think it so. It might enlighten you as to the current state of the game, seeing as you are clearly at a disconnect with the game in its current state. Perhaps you're just trying to hide the public discontent with you personally. Seems to me progress is being made, and this page is more active than it's ever been, largely thanks to jeez0, but you're actively trying to impede this progress. Example: returning Full Leaderboard run back to the top as default, then deleting my thread requesting it to be put back. It's a dead category, and it makes the page look as if nobody has submitted a run in seven months. I wouldn't say any of the backlash that you've received is undo. You've done some pretty unheard of things so far.

New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

Hello. I'd like to see the individual leaderboard put back as the default on the main page in place of the full level leaderboard since IL is where all the interest is. In regards to merging 2P with 3-4P, I see that the 3-4 category is still quite barren, but there's plenty of activity in solo & 2P. I understand that having empty categories is frowned up, but I would argue that full game leaderboard is quite barren in itself...literally one run submitted 7 months ago. Yet that is default on the main page. As it was, the page was basically dead. I can't see how adding more categories could hurt the community in any way. All its done so far is incite more interest in this page than it has ever seen in it's lifetime.

موضوع: The Site
New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

@kirkq I made a thread and he deleted it lol. All I suggested was that the IL board should be default when you load up the page because that is where most of the interest is. Jeez0 made it that way a couple days back, but the other mod changed it back. When I requested to put IL back he just deleted the thread lol.

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: The Site
New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

Just an update with respect to my recent request to have moderators removed from speedrun.com/whetv. Good news is, a new moderator has been appointed and he has been doing an excellent job. He has been in touch with numerous runners asking for their opinions and he clearly is in touch with the game in its current state as a result. Bad news is, the other two moderators, one of which has not been online in over a year, and one of which has not run the game in over a year, are still appointed as moderator. The one which recently denied my request to have 2P added as a category received a run submitted by a user which had mods installed (there is a message which shows in the chat log that makes it quite obvious "IAmLupo mod started". This was the right decision to make, however, this moderator shortly there after added a "nightmare with mods" category. Thing is. There are currently mods for the game which quite literally allow you to get <1s runs by pressing a keybind and force winning the map. I think if nothing else, this demonstrates this moderator's lack of connection with the game as of recent. Had he, like jeez0, made any attempt to discuss the ruleset or addition of the category with other currently active runners, he would have quite realized that he was making a big mistake by ever adding this category. At any rate, what game has a "w/ mods category" ???? I truly and whole heartedly believe that this individual has completely and utterly demonstrated a lack of basic understand of speedrunning of Vermintide in its current state, and has quite literally zero authority to the right to moderate the page. Jeez0 has been extremely active and is qualified for the job. The others need to be removed.

Thank you for your attention in advance.

  • Josh L
YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: The Site
New Hampshire, USApandugofast7 years ago

Hello. I would like to see the existing mods for Warhammer: End Times Vermintide removed and others appointed. One of them has not been online for over a year and the other has not run the game in over a year. I tried having some active discussion (with the only active mod) on some changes that needed to be made to the ruleset, based on recent changes to the game, etc to no avail. In particular, I made the suggestion of adding a 2P category due to the fact that the community is very small and it is far easier to find one other person to run with than 3. We have recorded a run of every map in the game with 2P and my recent post on Reddit has incited interest in the category. A run has not been submitted for this game in over a year. I argued that adding a 2P category could only be beneficial. Regardless, I was met with counter arguments which were largely irrelevant and highlighted a lack of basic understanding of speedrunning this particular game.

As a separate gripe, the individual level ruleset is not clear enough. In short, there is a glitch which allows you to gain control of your character during the initial cutscene. This is not explicitly disallowed in the ruleset and newer players running the game are making the mistake of using it a result, thus invalidating their times out of the gate.

Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/5spuiu/man_the_ramparts_nm_trio_219/

As the current rule set states: "Time begins when the screen is full black just before you have a visual on your character. " This isn't clear enough to disallow chat exploit from being used. As you can see in the recently recorded run by some new runners, they start the timer as the screen goes full black. Sounds peachy by current ruleset.

In addition, the individual ruleset is not even clearly visible to the public. If you click on "full game leaderboard", the ruleset is at the top of the screen. However, if you click on "level leaderboard" and "view all", the ruleset is not at the top of the page. In order to view the ruleset, you have to click on a single map. I suggested that instead the ruleset maybe be moved into the resources tab. As far myself and the players I run with, an individual level ruleset did not even exist, and only full game runs on hard were allowed.

If you look at his history, he is the moderator of a whole slew of games where he is sole the participant. He puts down a single time, which he nor any other person attempts to compete with, and moves on. I'm not convinced that he is at all interested in actually speedrunning Vermintide, nor creating interest in new runs being submitted. If you look at his top three most recent runs:

Disney's Tangled: Moderator, Sole participant. Disney-Pixar Brave: Moderator, Sole participant. Alice In Wonderland (2010): Moderator, Sole participant

Yet when I suggest a 2P category is added to a game which has not received a submitted run in over a year, I am greeted with the argument that "empty categories are bad" despite the fact that we will single handedly fill the entire category, and continue to compete with those times.

I have been actively pursuing revitalizing the speedrunning community with in this game. I have been in regular contact with the developers of the game discussing the creation of a speedrun build which will allow players to run on a stable patch. It was extremely frustrating trying to reason with this individual and ultimately I gave up. I hope something can be done in this matter and your attention and time is greatly appreciated.

  • Panda
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