netwizard8 years ago

@Patrick Well, I'm your average ordinary user, totally new to this forum. No wonder I don't rage about tools usage.

If I were a speedrunner, who spent days and days on running games, of course I would have a feeling like "he used some tricks, invested far less time than me, he doesn't know how hard it was for me to make a run, and now he simply denied all my work using tricks".

But I'm not a speedrunner. And I don't have a feeling that this TASed run ruins other's people work. It simply falls in other category.

netwizard8 years ago

"Just business" - most enemies are scripted to be at predetermined places. I believe you can easily do it yourself without using autoaim.

Black screen fades out, you press button, mouse moves 140 pixels to the left, 80 pixels up, shoot, move 200 pixels to the right, shoot and so on.

Notice inhuman mouse movement when he shoots while crouching and compare it to shooting while running afterwards. It clearly wasn't assisted.

Next, on the roof. Not sure, but I think enemies' positions and their behavior is predetermined here, too. All he needs to do is like "move mouse 140,50, shoot, press W for 0.6 sec, move mouse 90, 90, shoot"

All this can be done using AutoHotKey. Not an auto-aim, which clearly is hacking.

netwizard8 years ago

Hm? I like it when people make speedruns using legitimate tools. I don't care if he's using tricks, as long he's not using heavy cheats like entering codes for weapons or invulnerability or hacking game's code.

As long as I know, "tasvideos.org" doesn't have videos for San Andreas. So I'll stay at this forum a bit longer, I guess. Maybe original poster will put more videos like this? I find them entertaining.

You think it's not legitimate? Dont add it to leaderboard then. No big deal.

netwizard8 years ago

I'm not calling it a normal speedrun. Those familiar with console superplays call it TAS. Tool-assisted speedruns. I'm not sure if the community will tolerate separate category for assisted speedruns though.

Lets admit it - he's not using hacks. It's legit as long as he's not messing with game's code itself, though I wouldn't add it to table of records.

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