Seattle, WA, USAmuppetsinspace4 years ago

I second this motion!

Seattle, WA, USAmuppetsinspace6 years ago


Sweet! Glad you enjoyed the run! I'll be doing plenty more in the future. I was running on a Wii Classic, and I think that the load times for the transition screens are slower on that. I got myself a GameCube to rectify that. :p

lol Hamlet%. I love it.

All Runes% sounds like a GRIND, man. I would hope that you don't require a fresh save file for that. There's about 2 hours of unskippable cutscene for that. On top of the already 7-8 hours of gameplay to complete all three rune runs.

That being said, I'd be interested in seeing a couple of categories like "Chaturga%" or "Ulyoth%" where you have to select one of those runes in the beginning. Might be cool to see how that affects the game. It would also show off some other things about the game's replay value.

You planning on doing any more runs, or streaming in the future? I saw a marathon run of yours (I think) on YouTube a while back. It'd be pretty cool to see you do some runs. (And some other stuff, as well)


Seattle, WA, USAmuppetsinspace6 years ago

Well, I like the thought, except you can't skip through any of the cutscenes in the first run, and a bunch of them until you beat that alignment. We were talking about a Mantarok % run, though - where you MUST get the Mantarok rune. Don't know if they're still interested in it. I am kinda.

Seattle, WA, USAmuppetsinspace7 years ago

The way I understand it, defeating Pazuzu is what triggers the game to allow you to move the story forward. So you would have to trick the game into thinking Pazuzu is already dead somehow.

What might be interesting is seeing what code exists for where Pazuzu teleports after you talk to him the first time. If that can be manipulated somehow, you could save a major headache and make it more consistent.

Seattle, WA, USAmuppetsinspace7 years ago

I've played this game for quite some time and I'm interested in bringing more of this game to life out here in the speedrun world.

I'll be testing a Mantarok% run in a couple of days just to see how that changes the game. (I have a feeling that the Mantarok pool will open up some interesting things) I've also gotten a few ideas about what a 100% run would look like. Right now the list of items needed for a 100% run that I have thought of:

  • Enchanted Gladius
  • All Codexes
  • All Spell Scrolls
  • Mantarok Rune
  • Shotgun
  • Pistol
  • All Ammo in Mansion
  • All Letters and Notes

Obviously I'm thinking that the items you need to get are only for Alex's Story. Any other thoughts, or things that I am missing?

Also, I was thinking that a team segmented race would be fun. Each team has three people on it. One person plays the stories in the temple, one person plays the stories in the cathedral and one person plays the stories in and below the mansion. (This would make use of the "Jump to Story" feature on the title screen)


Seattle, WA, USAmuppetsinspace7 years ago

Well, the Mantarok category really would just affect the Edwin Lindsey storyline, right? I mean, I'm all for seeing what will happen - specifically how having access to the Mantarok element to the Magik Pool spell would affect the rest of the run.

Would the Mantarok% run only require the mantarok rune? Or is there something more that you think can be explored?


Seattle, WA, USAmuppetsinspace7 years ago


I am new to speed running, and I just started running this game at any% to see if I could do it. Turns out I'm not bad. Not the best, but not bad. (Second real time was 2:29:43) When I get some good streaming equipment I'll start submitting and doing stuff on twitch. Question: Who would be interested in doing a 100% run of this game? (All codexes, all scrolls, mantarok rune and enchanted gladius is what I'm thinking. Also, making sure you know the 3-5-7 point versions of each spell? Perhaps just all of the ammo and stuff in Alex's chapter as well, as that's the main story?)

I think that this game has a lot of potential for very interesting competition, considering you can just play individual stories as well. (Segmented relay race, perhaps?) Who is interested?


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