موضوع: Portal Elevators
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

Yes, but let us use our own saves that start whenever we want before the crosshair appears. It is such a dumb thing that does not require an official save or freezing all of the runs that have been done using the save.

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

If you have dual monitors you can move task bar to the other monitor.

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

Actually, glitchless runs do not require demos and videos for top 10 runs, according to the rules.

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

The problem is that it does start but it never appears to get out of that staring phase. It is downloading though. Because of the file size it will take a fairly long time depending on your internet and your computer. I recommend going to your downloads page on your browser because there you can see how far the download is (I believe it will show download speed and total downloaded). On google chrome at least to get to downloads quickler I believe it is control shift j but I'm not 100%, it might just be control j. Sorry for any errors, I'm typing on mobile and it's very DansGame

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

While it is true we don't a rediculous amount of mods like we do now I think we should have more than 3.

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

^^^ Kappa

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

Also carnage, pack and other people in this thread, how do you think we should proceed with deciding who the new mods should be?

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

We appreciate that but that seems a little sketchy when someone with an account created 5 days ago asks to be mod.

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

Don't start this meme here.

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

I've had that happen before. Sometimes livesplit doesn't register the game ending. It should just be a one time thing but I would test it again before doing runs. If it happens again try turning off the autosplitter and turn it back on.

Silquetoast المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

I think Pack is right on this one. Active doesn't just mean running the game still or even previously. It means people the contribute and are sometimes leaders within the community, a recent example is carnage organizing a tournament (which btw hurry up zeta), that was something an active runner should do and I think it is awesome that someone did that sort of thing.

موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

I just hope something is done before this loses steam.

United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

But the resources page looked so lonely.

ROMaster2 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Portal
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

As many people may know, our mods are dead. Runs take days, even weeks to be verified and sometimes mods aren't online for weeks at a time. Recently, some of the few active runners left in this game, including myself, have been collaborating on what could be done to fix the problem with mods. Xeiz, by far the the biggest driving force within our community, said this today in the portal discord.


He also mentioned that he had begun to make a list of who should no longer be mod but never finished it.


We then decided to finish what Xeiz had started and created a list of all of the current mods and whether or not they should be moderator any longer. If you would like to view the list you can click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jTQNGJxSW1VD8wybW-w9nML-K4GtHXhMrEaOIhyxWyQ/edit?usp=sharing



We decided to keep Xeiz because of how much he has done for the community with both his video tutorials and being the greatest mod a speedrun.com page could ask for.

To go along with the list of who should not be mod, we also made a list of who the new moderators to replace the old ones could be. These are just ideas, it could be all of them and it could be none of them. Our qualifications for being on this list were that you are active/semi-active within the community, you are trustworthy, you won't try to change anything, and you are knowledgeable about the source engine, not just the fact that you can do what a tutorial said. To view this list click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_RPBWZTrmVsGhEUFahYrPCR61Fz_mIdgGgiyhJ0wxbk/edit?usp=sharing

I hope this all goes over well and that these changes help the community and make maximize efficiency with the verification of runs.

WhoIsThisKid, WadaWada و 6 آخرون تُحب هذا
United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

Here's one I made for the LUL's i.imgur.com/orNo1Wm.png I like it because it fits the text in the game's title screen better.

United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

At the beginning of machine you can hit the trigger to close the double doors and then walk back through them before they close. I only saves about 2 seconds but it is something.

United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

Also to backup Siglamii, there have only ever been 11 runners, IL and full game, which really means one active mod is all you need. Currently, of all of the "active" runners (which are few and far between), only some of them have been doing runs for a while and/contributed to the community, which is a big qualification. If this game ever became as popular as other source games then other moderators might be needed. But as it is, we would only need new mods if Siglamii dies or gets a girlfriend Keepo

United Statesmoose_hockey8 years ago

Think about in the same sense as vault save in portal. You can gain no advantage in those 147 seconds, and if you completely mess up, you have to sit through the cut scene again. And now that we have in game time, we can make sure that the timer starts exactly when the whisper map loads, thus making it easier to do more runs, and more accurate.

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