Kentucky, USAmontySR5 years ago

I just realized that the rules for VS COM and VS COM 'Expert' weren't very clear as to when the end timing should be. Per the OP, the timing is when Toad throws up the victory peace sign after the third fight against Wario. I clarified that in the rules description.

If anyone has any major objections, please raise them here. Otherwise, have a great day!

Kentucky, USAmontySR6 years ago

Hi ZooF! Welcome to the community! I'm not aware of any significant differences between PAL and NTSC. Unless someone provides any evidence that suggests otherwise, do what's convenient.

Below is a link to Puzzle General, a community of puzzle gamers, some of whom play Woods. Looking forward to seeing your runs!

Puzzle General: https://discordapp.com/invite/0ZHoUXwTddfKwz1t

Kentucky, USAmontySR7 years ago

Puzzle General is hosting a Wario's Woods VS COM Tournament in a couple of weeks. Click the following link to learn more about how the tournament will be set up, important dates, etc.

Yell at me or Bbforky in the PG discord if you have any questions. Sign-ups close July 9th!

Tournament Link: http://puzzlegeneral.challonge.com/Woods

Puzzle General: https://discord.gg/bT9snCr

Packie619 المعجبون بهذا
Kentucky, USAmontySR7 years ago

Okay, I'll make the additional changes to Round Game. Also, I'm proposing changing the rules of VS COM and 'Expert' to reflect what seems to be the consensus, which is to start upon difficulty select and end upon winning the third match against Wario, not necessarily after the victory screen ¤after¤ beating Wario for the third time.

This should be fine, but holler at me if not.

Kentucky, USAmontySR8 years ago

Just a FYI, I defined timing rules for VS COM and VS COM 'Expert' the way that myself and others do runs.

Let me know if anyone has any strong objections or if anyone has any ideas to move this community forward.

Kentucky, USAmontySR8 years ago

I'd be interested in watching an 'All Essences' speedrun. Just throwing my two cents in.

موضوع: Mario Party 5
Kentucky, USAmontySR8 years ago

jesus fucking christ that's high. i've recently started mashing with two fingers instead of one, so hopefully i'll get better results.

موضوع: Mario Party 5
Kentucky, USAmontySR8 years ago

Story Mode on hard is complete shit. I once attempted it as a meme and got bodied in most minigames requiring mashing (especially Pump'n'Jump). Good luck :p

UnsupervisedFun المعجبون بهذا
نبذة عن montySR
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9 years ago
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