All the curent categories are the tutorial. why don´t we have categories with the actual game? Speedrunning competitive, arms race ect. with bots would in my opinion be a really good adition to CS:GO speedrunning. Just make level leaderboards for each map and possible modes playable on the map categories.
1000pp speedrun
unbreakable 130 samurai 141 ktawaredoki 131 cbcc 217 bravely you 147 granat 85 harumachi 84 kibo refrain 96 total 1031 run valid
that cbcc play is now my 3rd top play lol
This is the easiest way to do it. The runner does not have to be sure that the run is valid after he does it, the run can be checked afterwards.
We need an examle run, then we need the moderators to make the category. i think that 1000pp, 2000pp and 5000pp are good categories for osu! standart, I will try to make an example run of 1000pp.
I also heard that tillerino and EZpp are in accurate, we should find an accurate pp calculator. From what I saw, the realtime pp calculator circle people use in some videos is only a few pp inaccurate with its final result, but as long as we all use the same system, minor inaccuracy does not matter that much.
you could add a subcategory for all endings allowing more tabs. It looks more cool.
The problem with all hush-hush achivements is tat more are added over time. So we either make all runs obselete after a new hush-hush achivement is relesed, or have more categories.I got an idea about how it could work. After 31.12. of each year we take all hushhush achivement ever relesed until that time and make it a category. For instance 31.12. 2017 - we take all existin hush-hush achivements and make "hush-hush 2017" category.
I watched osu! coffee hour and peppy said that he tries to read all the e-mails he gets about osu!
We could maybye contact him and ask him about something that would allow you to create a new account for like a day and then it would get auto deleted.
if he agrees we could run the pp categories and even stuff like all achivements or banned% and it could get easily weryfied by the runner showing his account.
It sounds complicated but its not, you just add the pp. The hard part is finding maps that you can consistently get good scores on, that means eweryone has a difrent "route". Its also skill based, so we might see top players running it.
I got an idea to create a category about getting pp. creating multiple acount is not allowed in osu!, but we could make it that you get pp for idividual plays and then the pp is added. I would also make it a difrent category for each mode.
for instance: 750 pp osu! category. daidai gerome (insane) HDDT SS-368pp + bill nye theme(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) HDDTHR SS- 489pp 489pp+368pp=857pp
I woul also make a rule that you have to play more than one map.
(sorry for bad english)