تشغيل: Pogoball
Finlandm8fx10 months ago

alright. now i understand, still a really good record from u even if it was slightly easier to pull off than it would be for me :)

CactusDH المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Mini Steps
Finlandm8fx10 months ago
تم حذف هذا التعليق
تشغيل: Pogoball
Finlandm8fx10 months ago

what fps do u play on? my monitor is on 144 but i have no idea if the game caps at 60fps or does it not have a cap. also if u dont mind could u check out my run? idk if the ball actually goes slower or im tripping haha. also GJ on this run, i dont think i will try to beat it since im focused on finding strats for a different game, well maybe. we will see if i try more runs or no lmao

CactusDH المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Mini Steps
Finlandm8fx10 months ago

just buffer click, start holding the button BEFORE u hit the ground. idk if it works for lvl 7 and 10 but u can try

Gaming_64 و grnts تُحب هذا
تشغيل: Pogoball
Finlandm8fx10 months ago

how does the ball travel so fast in your records?? it feels like the ball is going 50% slower on mine lmao

تشغيل: Pogoball
Finlandm8fx10 months ago

its not hard to get it a bit better, it is hard to get it alot better tho. i figured out a slightly slower version of zangoosesushis lvl 8 completion which is way more consistent.

CactusDH المعجبون بهذا
تشغيل: Pogoball
Finlandm8fx10 months ago

nice run! theres room for huge improvement on certain levels like 8.

CactusDH المعجبون بهذا
تشغيل: Pogoball
Finlandm8fx10 months ago

for anyone wondering, this run isnt even close to being perfect. Both level 4 and 5 need improvement in aiming speed.

Finlandm8fx1 year ago
تم حذف هذا التعليق
تشغيل: Roblox: Try To Die
Finlandm8fx1 year ago

tied wr gg

موضوع: Roblox: Try To Die
Finlandm8fx1 year ago

alright, thanks for the info :)

موضوع: Roblox: Try To Die
Finlandm8fx1 year ago

if u guys arent ready to do IL speedruns, i feel like u should atleast consider a 1-5lvl speedrun, as lvl 6 ruins the fun of the runs.

موضوع: Roblox: Try To Die
Finlandm8fx1 year ago

maybe u guys could add individual level records, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. it would be good since its really easy to choke a run, so u could make something of a good run of a stage?

موضوع: Roblox: Try To Die
Finlandm8fx1 year ago

shouldnt this be allowed in glitched runs? or am i missing something

نبذة عن m8fx
bad speedrunner committed to RLSS speedruns.
تاريخ الانضمام
1 year ago
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1 month ago
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