موضوع: Tomb Raider (2013)
Washington, USAklearion7 years ago

Yeah I understand that something should be done to clarify, and honestly as long as there actually are clear Can do's and can't do's I personally feel like that is fine. While I would personally prefer to do no skip stuff I could get on board as long as the list is clear.

My main question now is how are you guys differentiating certain things that are allowed or not allowed.

An example would be why would something like "Using a scramble jump to skip a climbing animation on the cliff side at the start is NOT allowed." not be allowed but something like the Deer Jump or Beach Cutscene Skip be allowed?

I couldn't find a video on what that first point actually is, but is it what Jawibae does at 7 minutes and 40 seconds in his run or am I just completely misunderstanding what that first point actually is? To me these 3 things all seem like normal jumps.

موضوع: Tomb Raider (2013)
Washington, USAklearion7 years ago


While I don't know what half of these even are, I did look up what some of these are and I believe that none of these "skips" that you say are allowed should be allowed.

When I think of "glitchless" I think of playing the game the way the devs intended when it comes to the order of progression (I.E. doing the first Grim fight into 2nd in the Shantytown or actually doing the puzzles to free your friends in the Caverns). If people want to do skips they shouldn't bother with a glitchless category. Glitchless categories exist so that you can play the game without doing any skips or OOB stuff.

How are skipping mostly scripted and intended fights not considered a glitch? Why would something like an animation cancel to climb up 1 ledge in the beginning NOT be allowed, but things like climbing the roof to wolf cave or using the pillar to skip 2nd floor in bunker allowed? When people start making lists like these deciding that some skips are allowed in a glitchless run and some are not, it really kills the barrier to entry. Potential runners now have to deal with all these rules and worry about if what they are doing is allowed or not allowed. I think that the allure of a glitchless category for most people would be the fact that they go through the game following how you would play it casually, just going as fast as possible, running past enemies that don't need to be killed, etc.

Skipping puzzles and fights altogether should absolutely have no place in a glitchless run. I want to run glitchless runs so I don't ever have to think "Am I allowed to skip this fight? Can I completely bypass this intended puzzle?" What if people (like me) want to just run the game doing everything the devs intended when it comes to fights and puzzles and not do any skips? Would there have to be another new category that would be "glitchless and skipless"?

I'm not particularly good at explaining things or debating, and I'm probably not explaining my thoughts very clearly, but this is just my opinion, and I think when you start allowing certain skips or "animation cancels" and not allowing other things that could be described as the same things you start down a very slippery slope where you end up with 100000 rules that people have to try to follow, when a glitchless run should be relatively simple to define. "Any%" was created so that people could start the game and go crazy with skips and OOB.

I'm sure I'll have a thing or two to add later on but that is all I can think of for now. Again these are just my opinions.

موضوع: Final Fantasy XV
Washington, USAklearion7 years ago

Yes it is just to make things fair. As far as I know, mostly every game splits categories between consoles, and the Final Fantasy series games that are available on multiple consoles are split like this as well.

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