That isn't the point Penguin. The cars are now classified as per the developer's categorization. Splitting up the categories for ILs means you can go for records for each class, and there will still be competition since you can submit runs for each category.
As of Version 1.0.9, car categories have been totally revised due to the actual categories in-game being introduced. Additionally, the rallies are now restricted based on car category, meaning all runs in cars that are now not allowed will be moved to a new "pre 1.0.9" category and all runs that abide by the current restrictions will remain.
We will figure out solutions for 100%, as well as the open rallies regarding categories for cars soon.
Expect to see a number of things shift around to accomodate the changes, and hopefully things won't look too ugly or complicated.
As of 22/04/2024, no modifications to the game files are allowed.
This applies for:
- Texture swaps (For example, the pssg files inside "DiRT 2\tracks" or "DiRT 2\cars")
- Cfg/xml file modifications (Such as 'hardware_settings_config.xml' in "DiRT 2\system", or "dirt2_game.exe.cfg")
- Modifications that add or modify files in the game (SweetFX or any kind of graphics filtering mods)
- Deleting files (Such as the video files inside "DiRT 2\video")
@HighPriest Your kind is not liked around here, and you are therefore ineligible to participate in this escapade.
I would just keep it the way it is, considering its not going to impact the speed of a run. It wont mean the difference between WR and 2nd place.
Also, if we logically think about it, the "games" are over once this cut-scene starts, so having the run end there is only appropriate. There is no turning back once that ceremony begins, meaning the game is technically over.
The link has expired. Would you mind creating a new invite?
RTA and IGT don't correlate in runs. My PB, a 3:09 RTA was a 3:56 IGT, while my best RTA of 3:07 was actually a 3:58 IGT.
So, when was the last time the mod has been online? I don't see any runs getting verified for probably the next year or 2.
Wait, why are we conversing here? Dammit I'm still waiting for Logan to run this game!
Yeah, this game is one of the worst cases of "NTSC is faster than PAL". The difference is pretty insane. You're probably 10 minutes faster on NTSC than PAL on average.
My fat PAL PS2 has problems with loading as well. After loading into the menu after a race, I cannot navigate the menu for about a second.
I agree with Tume. By crossing the line you have won the game. No further input is needed to reach the "winner" screen.