موضوع: Squatbot
United Statesild-games-nick5 years ago

Currently, the rules for World runs don't actually make much sense. We ask runners to play each level in succession, in time trial mode, and add up the IGT of all three levels for the world, but these timing rules ignore all deaths that a runner experiences, because a death in Time Trial mode resets the IGT for the level.

Instead, I'd like to propose that we ask runners to use an external timer, and use RTA timing. The timer should start when the runner is on the correct menu screen to start the first level of the world, and end once the third level in the world has been beaten. The world can be run either in Time Trial mode, or by just playing the levels regularly with Checkpoints enabled.

موضوع: Squatbot
United Statesild-games-nick5 years ago

I've been thinking about the 100% run lately, and I'm not happy with the current rules. As it stands, the main contributing factor for a great run isn't how well a runner can execute skips and tricks, but how safely they can beat the game. A single death at the end of a long level is so impactful right now that a runner could waste up to a minute using safe/unoptimized strategies, and still beat a runner attempting to go as fast as possible, who took just one unfortunate death.

To address this issue, I'd like to propose the following rules for 100% runs:

-All Runs Require Video -Runs can either be completed either on Marathon Mode, or by beating each world, in order, with an external timer running alongside the video. All deaths, menu screens, load times, etc must be included in the video. -If you are running Marathon Mode, use the in-game time at the end of your Marathon run. -If you are beating each level in order, timing ends as soon as the "Level Complete!" text appears at the end of The Tower.

Alternately, Marathon Mode could be its own category, because it will technically be a faster run, if deathless, because of a lack of menuing.

موضوع: Squatbot
United Statesild-games-nick5 years ago

I think emulators should be fine.

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