موضوع: Google Minesweeper
Texas, USAglobal_warrior2 months ago

I like the idea. The only problem is that if you look at the top 5, 3/5 of them are already doing flagless. I feel like the top players of a flagless category would be the same just because they already don’t use flags.

I could be wrong though and I can see it being some kind of almost practice like category where people are learning flagless so people can get higher in the main leaderboard.

I can see there being both pros and cons to the idea. Because of this I’m going to retract my original statement and instead say, that it could go either way with how this category turns out.

موضوع: Google Minesweeper
Texas, USAglobal_warrior2 months ago

Just don’t use flags. No flags shouldn’t be a separate category.

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Google Minesweeper
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Google Minesweeper
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