تشغيل: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18893 years ago

mod note: Please include a few seconds extra at the end in future, just to be sure that peach is included

Irelandfitz18894 years ago

Anyone have any tips on reducing the gap between igt and rta? My machine's not cutting edge but it's pretty new and really shouldn't have any issues running a little clicker game. I can't detect any noticeable lag and task manager indicates cpu and memory are fine. I'm using firefox since when I first played the game on chrome there were a few crashes but firefox seems good except for the big igt to rta gap

Irelandfitz18894 years ago

Thanks, came across this game at the perfect time and used it as the basis for starting runs :)

JJ المعجبون بهذا
Irelandfitz18895 years ago

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. As with most categories, no orb/cloud. Then it would play very similar to low% but with a much lower barrier to entry with the harder strats removed. Could help bridge the gap. I'd throw some runs down for sure.

Irelandfitz18896 years ago

Yo GG! Nice strat using the corner block to bounce with yoshi dp1 I always forget you can do that on yoshi! I strated everything out (skipped w1 assuming fine) for the stricter rule set of only pressing y/x when completely horizontally stationary and no left/right pressed (to ensure absolutely no run/fast swim state). Key's moved without yoshi by standing on them near the edge then grabing causing a spin which can move the key a marios width over, rinse repeat - as it happens in the route this is only needed dp1 have yoshi for all the others. (in water this means need yoshi since even a tap will give a frame of item swim ) and it seems totally viable. Also verified "no run" zips :) (Although rta strats would be to have yoshi ) Also, think I'm now blind after watching your next gen capture, hopefully it will pass.

Irelandfitz18896 years ago

Sounds Interesting! GL! :) From the top of my head you could do: y taps 3 times in bowser - you could do this while stationary and holding only up by jumping in the middle of the mecha corpse giving time before it's slowly moved out to the side of you. y taps while stationary on yoshi to hold the key ds1 sw1 sw2 sw4 Maybe also a y tap while stationary on yoshi to bring the p-switch closer to the action might be needed idk. dsh maybe it would be tight for time at walking speed without moving the p-switch closer, be interesting to see! That would just leave sw3 ... maybe you could get yoshi up there with a good lakitu bounce and a wall jump or something silly?! That's off the top of my head thoughts on how the game might be possible to play with a strict ruleset (no pressing y with any horizontal momentum or with a left/right direction pressed)... I might be missing some obvious stuff tho.. and probably more fun with being a bit less strict tho :)

Stony_Biosphere المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18896 years ago

Speedrun.com's emote tech isn't advanced enough for an appropriate reaction to over 300 run verifications!! GG! Usually I don't think I'm even aware who's gone to the effort of verifying so gg mods!

Irelandfitz18896 years ago

SGS monkaS :)

I would actually like to see that run, didn't know you could item swap in all those places!

موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18896 years ago

Snes controllers can be very funny with UP or DOWN presses being inputted accidentally. Either get a new controller, clean the controller or just be extra careful to tap LEFT to fly cleanly. On some controllers I have I know that I need to press left and slightly down to prevent the phantom up press.

333Rich333 و Ben تُحب هذا
موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18896 years ago

Have you previously taken a savestate at front door with 42 exits?

ReKFrosty المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18896 years ago

If buffering jumps was possible in this way this would make things like optimal climbing (mortons for example) a lot easier, anywhere you have to land and jump in a tight window really ... dp3 no cape jump on the on/off switch.. maybe even neutral fixed speed maintaining would become viable in more situations!

Irelandfitz18896 years ago

It's the worst meme... but does that mean best meme?! ... It's basically an orb 11 run you can't pb on and don't wanna bother doing bowser I think that at least explains some of the runs. If NMG becomes a category we could have hundreds of in the 6 NMG backups, it might be 2nd most run category behind NMG 11!

patstoffy المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Mario 64
Irelandfitz18896 years ago

ah k, seems strange though, if this is an official release of the game for N64 that's just not as common as the main 3. In any case I've got it, really intrigued about it now! :)

موضوع: Super Mario 64
Irelandfitz18896 years ago

Hey Guys! So I stumbled across this and couldn't find any discussion about it. NTSC-JPN but with english text apparently. So is this real? I've seen so little mention of it. So I guess if this is in fact as simple as a direct text string replacement that would mean, no intro voice, no box for jrb star, ccm star above penguin, sound glitch etc etc.. But also probably it wouldn't have the fast text boxes of the NTSC USA version so would be slightly slower? Interesting though, very tempted to pick up a copy for novelty and in case something else is a little different!! https://photos.app.goo.gl/9vom0fQ6fsMIuYFi1

موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18896 years ago

Not much to add to Sten's answer but just to cover the bit of your question about holding down/up - You'll want to be ducked (assuming big Mario here) to avoid hitting your head. So hold down while landing on the switch, there is plenty of time while I the air to start holding up before releasing y to throw the spring. As long as Mario is in the ducked position in the air you've got the down press correct, so it's easy to tell. Also be sure to be as far to the left as you can be pushing against the pipe. Note: I never use cape so if there any cape specific things for this they aren't reflected in this answer.

موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18897 years ago

Interesting debate ? Quicklyplease, in terms of looking for a 2d Mario to speedrun I was in a similar position to you about 3 months ago, I’d loved them as a kid but my speedrunning had mainly been on Mortal Kombat games. Incidentally with it being a much smaller community getting WR’s and finding new strats was much more manageable. I’ll go back to those games in time but for now I’m absolutely loving speedrunning SMW and couldn’t recommend it more as something to try out.

The community is fantastic to be a part of and really that makes the journey to the and achievement of whatever pb you get much fuller. In terms of categories there’s a diverse range, in length, style etc, far more than in an average speedrun game. Due to it being actively speedrun for so long there are plenty of resources to help learning – shoutout to dotsarecool in particular!! – as well as support from other runners.

I’m totally happy for people to be determined to make WR, I would just advise to try to enjoy the getting there if you can ? , and also advise not to rule out potential speedruns purely on the basis that WR would be very difficult (I’m not saying you’re doing that, more general thoughts) Yeah most won’t get one of the big SMW WR’s (definitely not possible for me, I like the same categories as Calco!!) but the funs in the trying and improving – besides all the WR holders started from scratch at some point and if you’re determined to grind for it I wouldn’t rule out getting there, though I think you could have chosen a worthwhile hobby even if you don’t make it all the way! (And if you still want a WR check out the less optimised extra-categories to keep you going ? ) (EDIT formatting)

موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18897 years ago

I love the very appropriate freudian :) I don't know the official answer but a good idea might be to do a run of this (currently hypothetical ) new category, then chat about it on the SMW discord and see if it's picked up organically.

edit - there's a sticky with the discord link but for ease - https://discord.me/smw

TheMightyJay25 المعجبون بهذا
Irelandfitz18897 years ago

Cool, I wonder whether the strat would end up being a varient of the 99 lives strat - using block duplication to get a koopa shell bouncing back and forth in YI2... that was the idea of choice for getting points on super mario bros deluxe on the gbc when I was kid anyway :) (the shell bounces not the duping obv!)

موضوع: Super Mario World
Irelandfitz18897 years ago

Hey guys, related to which cart's are and aren't valid for runs, I've just got a supereverdrive, can I run SMW on that or do I need to pick up an actual original cartridge? I figured at worst the supereverdrive would be considered closer to an original cart than pc emulation but wasn't sure. Cheers

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