United Stateschasebeleren6 years ago

I posted this link in the forums of the We Were Here leaderboards as well. We have a Discord up for speedrunners and casual players to come together and discuss both We Were Here and We Were Here Too. Whether you would like to see what all the other runners are up to or just check it, here's the link: https://discord.gg/3hJsF86

United Stateschasebeleren6 years ago

I have made a discord for We Were Here runners to discuss strats and post their best runs to if anyone is interested in joining. This will also make it easy to tell if someone has beaten your run, even if bwunt hasn't gotten around to verifying it yet. Here's the link if anyone is interested https://discord.gg/3hJsF86

United Stateschasebeleren6 years ago

I think now that a few of us are getting to the point of needing to save fractions of seconds on each other, we should establish a uniform method of timing. For my runs, when I would go back and retime them for frame accuracy, the way I have been doing it was starting the frame the character loads in and ending it the frame the screen goes fully black at the end of the run, after it does the weird blink thing.

Not saying the leaderboards should change or anything based on what I have been doing, but I simply think it would be a good idea to set standards for timing for future runs.

United Stateschasebeleren6 years ago

So, I was grinding out some runs last night with a friend of mine trying to get the sub 4:00 time I have been wanting (Which is absolutely possible, here are my sum of bests https://puu.sh/yWm5X/434e55e8d5.png ), but I guess the recording stopped in the middle of a good run. I wound up getting a 4:02, but because it wasn't recording, I can't post that and have it officially recognized as a run. I at least have a screenshot of my splits during the run, but I know that's not enough for it to be official. Here are those anyway https://puu.sh/yWlwp/64e31774c0.png

Moral of the story, if you are grinding runs, make sure to double check the recording is alright so you don't lose a WR because of it.

PainPita و Jeph تُحب هذا
United Stateschasebeleren6 years ago

I have been looking into finding some way to skip the maze room to shave off about 2 minutes of the run, but haven't had any luck quite yet. Using the door into the area (before the white gates) you can kind of clip into them and launch yourself upwards to get on top of the doors which seems fairly promising in terms of progress towards finding something. I haven't successfully been able to take this any further yet, but if anyone else could possibly find something to get around this room, that would be fantastic. I will continue searching for something in this room and in the nearby rooms to see if there isn't something we haven't found yet that could speed things up, but until then, I will probably just keep trying to optimize the time to beat the 4:17 I got the other day

نبذة عن chasebeleren
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6 years ago
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10 months ago
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الألعاب المُجراة
آخر سجل 3 years ago
جولات سريعة
We Were Here
We Were Here
آخر سجل 4 years ago
جولات سريعة
Celeste Category Extensions
Celeste Category Extensions
آخر سجل 3 years ago
جولات سريعة
We Were Here Too
We Were Here Too
آخر سجل 4 years ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المتابَعة
We Were Here
We Were Here
آخر زيارة 10 months ago
We Were Here Too
We Were Here Too
آخر زيارة 10 months ago
آخر زيارة 3 years ago
Celeste Category Extensions
Celeste Category Extensions
آخر زيارة 3 years ago
آخر زيارة 2 years ago
الألعاب التي يُشرف عليها
We Were Here
We Were Here
آخر حدث 3 years ago
We Were Here Too
We Were Here Too
آخر حدث 10 months ago