Ecuadoradormant9 months ago

Hey, so I loved Wonder so much that I decided to practice and eventually record my 1st speedrun ever!

I wanted to show off my $2 printed and plastified cheatsheet hanging from my controller:

Based on this guide for All Royal Seeds by eden8, proprofk, and Cosmic64

I created my own visual version

Added a column for suggested Badges, they mean this: F=float, W=walljump, D=dolphin, C=crouch, S=speed, H=highjump, SJ=sprintjump

(My version might be outdated already, or wrong somewhere, will prob have to reprint it sometime, sharpie will do for any immediate correction)

What do you think? :)

FickleFocus, Remz و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
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9 months ago
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9 months ago
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