United StatesZelcina7 years ago

I made this route a couple days ago. I haven't tested if it is optimal though. http://imgur.com/sYJK4bs

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
United StatesZelcina7 years ago

Update: I got the PC version and recorded an attempt. Do I need to have splits showing or can I just upload just the game footage?

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
United StatesZelcina7 years ago

It probably is, to explain better. I used this site, http://brickraiders.net/index.html To help with planning the Red Bricks (probably can route a Lego Indy 2 as well with it.) and from my experience Last Crusade takes along time, might as well get it out of the way. I also got a 9:07 couple days back during the night and sleep deprived ;).

WiiSuper و teh_supar_hackr تُحب هذا
United StatesZelcina7 years ago

I used LiveSplit. I stitched my snaps of the splits. http://imgur.com/a/d9gVR I rearranged things after I did the run based on my experience.

WiiSuper, teh_supar_hackr, و alkamaass تُحب هذا
United StatesZelcina7 years ago

I don't know how to send splits and I will do the camera trick. I played on Xbox 360.

WiiSuper المعجبون بهذا
United StatesZelcina7 years ago

Hello, this is my first post on this site, so I don't know if this is the right place for this. I got an 8:42:54 time on 100% single player, but I don't have a capture card. I do believe sub 8 is possible, I took a couple breaks. I can show my splits if that is allowed.

WiiSuper و alkamaass تُحب هذا
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