Michigan, USAXenia647 years ago

The discord is a great choice; always somebody willing to help

Michigan, USAXenia647 years ago

If you're new to OoT speedrunning and you want to learn any% it's probably best you don't run GIM route and instead do the older Kak route. Michael Radar has great any% tutorial () that has a mostly up to date kak route. If later on, you decide to integrate GIM into your runs there are individual tutorials for it out there that could make that a possibility.

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

No need for a straw poll. Give me a screenshot that confirms that the timer is 2:27.6 the moment the loading screen starts, and it'll be official.

OmegaFallon المعجبون بهذا
Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

I guess we'll be waiting till I die since that second thing is never gonna happen Kappa b

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

at least you don't have to go through each submission and make sure they actually get every note, meowmix DansGame

غير معروف
Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago
تم حذف هذا التعليق
Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

You should do a wallstrafe to gain more speed.

traderain المعجبون بهذا
Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

pretty n e a t

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

This was actually an idea I already had, but I wasn't sure anyone would care for it. I'll see about adding it.

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

Prominent runners, glitch hunters/finders, and people that have been an active part of the community for a long time. Currently there is no need for extra mods, but if more people begin to run the game it is something I could consider.

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

There will be no extra categories that differentiate between narration and no narration since the difference in what you actually have to do is practically non-existent, however I could consider creating a separate category for use of scripts, but only if someone can present me or another mod with the so-called script that would be used. As of right now there isn't one that exists, and if we were to create a category for scripts, it would be required that everyone use the same script in order to guarantee equal competition.

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

Runs will stay with intro as the start, as it is a part of the game and cannot be skipped in a normal playthrough following the rules presented here on speedrun.com

traderain المعجبون بهذا
Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

That's an issue with the site itself. I could fix it by removing the comma in the title of the game, but I think it's a better idea to leave it how it is, since it will likely eventually fix itself.

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

I will make the required changes throughout the week

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

Should have let me know lmao everyone has been asking

Michigan, USAXenia648 years ago

I found a way using some livesplit mods that will cut out loading screens, but will not automatically split as of now (I'm an idiot and can't figure it out, but if you do, good for you). Go to the guides section to get more info.

نبذة عن Xenia64
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