United StatesVridend7 years ago

Hello, I was looking through the McLeodGaming Forum for Break The Targets and I found a couple of records that aren't on here as well as a couple other things that don't match up.

First, according to here, the Ness record is 7.87 by Sekanor, but on the forum the image was submitted by Auraka. It's on this page if you scroll down to near the end. https://forums.mcleodgaming.com/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=39284&start=90

Second, according to here, Sekanor also has a 6.60 Bomberman run, but the only image I could find of a time like this by Sekanor was for Captain Falcon. On this page, near the bottom. https://forums.mcleodgaming.com/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=39284&start=90

Third, Agate had posted a gif of a Link run in 7.40 on March 26, 2016. Also, in his gif you can see that his best time is 7.30. https://gfycat.com/ColorlessBasicCassowary

Fourth, DARKcpu0 aka Model_Zero posted an image of Pikachu in 6.77 on February 2, 2017. On this page near the top. https://forums.mcleodgaming.com/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=39284&start=210

Lastly, NyxTheShield has several record claims. Most of them are contained in a 3 hour recording I'm not interested in digging through, but in the post directly after Model_Zero's Pikachu record, he posted 3 gifs, 2 of which are records for Goku ( https://oddshot.tv/s/bmQF6_ ) and Captain Falcon ( https://oddshot.tv/s/IeNwZ1 ).

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