Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK3 years ago

Hi there, so recently I've been looking at running this game however I can't help but feel there could be a category for the Street Races as well as the Wingsuit Races?

Personally I'd do it and think it would be a fast category to do (Easiest way of doing this would be via Keys to the City mode)


WitherMin المعجبون بهذا
Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK3 years ago

So since the Any% is done from a fresh save file is there a chance we can do a NG+ category for the game too with all the cars unlocked? I'm not thinking right now, I mean in case someone does a run in the future could it be considered?

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK3 years ago

Hi there, So earlier this year I did a run of the Novice Championship and was wondering since there's a leaderboard for this game that you could maybe have a Championship% leaderboard with Novice/Intermediate and Pro as the Variable factors?

Run as proof of what I mean:

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK3 years ago

Hi there, so recently I was watching the current WR for Any% and noticed that timing starts when you create a profile and was wondering why does it start there?

Surely it would make more sense to have the timer start when you either select the car in Career Mode (And show the difficulty you've chosen beforehand) or when you select Career Mode yourself?

Having it start when you have created a new profile seems a bit daft and I'd like some clarification for this if possible?

Looking forward to doing some runs of this real soon and can't wait to join the leaderboards! :D

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

There's a Ford Racing Discord Server now, here's the link for those interested in joining: https://discord.gg/j62qyan

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

There's a Ford Racing Discord Server now, here's the link for those interested in joining: https://discord.gg/j62qyan

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

There's a Ford Racing Discord Server now, here's the link for those interested in joining: https://discord.gg/j62qyan

YtTanel, CrashA5, و Shiinyu تُحب هذا
Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

There's a Ford Racing Discord Server now, here's the link for those interested in joining: https://discord.gg/j62qyan

dkkid00 المعجبون بهذا
Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

There's a Ford Racing Discord Server now, here's the link for those interested in joining: https://discord.gg/j62qyan

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago
تم حذف هذا التعليق
SYMustangGT المعجبون بهذا
Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

Just thought I'd mention since each category has it's own runs and the runners who have done them know where the run starts and ends can you add in some set rules for people who haven't ran the game before and don't know where the run starts and finishes?

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

So I can't help but notice that depending on the console your load times will be different and from what I can tell here's what I've found out from watching several runs:

Xbox One is the fastest as you can play the digital version from the Hard Drive and due to it's enhancements on the Xbox One X this makes it the quickest version.

Xbox 360 - Either Digital or Installed to the Hard Drive is the quickest option for this console as if you don't install it and just play it via disk the load times are slower by around 2-3 seconds maybe even more.

The IGT runs the same on both consoles (As it should do anyway) so nothing to worry about there.

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

Hi there, so recently I decided to do a run of the sequel to this game to see how long it would take to finish from a New Game and it wasn't as bad as I thought.

It was quite an enjoyable run and game for me so maybe we could look at getting a new leaderboard set up for the sequel? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts back on this one :)

Here's my run for context:

Twitch Version (In case the YT Video doesn't show correctly)

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

Hi there, Recently I came across a run of this game and saw that it could be completed in less than 1h 30 if done correctly and it got me thinking "How long does it take to complete the GBA Version of this game?"

Well I recently did a test run and you're looking at less than 1 hour if everything goes well, I will say I did notice something odd when noting down mission scenes for the films...

So unlike in the PS2 version where you do several acts per film, in the GBA version they have something different. Instead of just doing the films they get you doing several acts of the different films as a tutorial before you get put into the hot seat and have to do the real stunts with the directors like in the PS2 version.

So do we split the GBA version from the PS2 version in terms of category and have 2 categories for the GBA version or not? 🤔

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK4 years ago

Hi there, I recently did a run of this game and found that after completing the Super GP that there is a Special GP after it, so would time be after completing that GP instead of the Super GP or would it be at the end of the Super GP as it seems to be currently?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this :)

DdariQ المعجبون بهذا
Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK5 years ago

Hi there, I recently picked up this game again and found that when looking at the leaderboards that it was mainly IL's (Seems fair as it is a racing game after all) However I couldn't help but notice the main game categories, there's only one and I think we could change that to categories that people could actually speedrun.

Firstly there's the Challenge mode that is in the game, this is broken down in 3 difficulties (Novice, Standard and Expert) now these could be three Misc. categories with the main one being Challenge%.

Challenge% - Beat all Challenge Difficulties in as short time as possible, RTA will be the one that matters here so load times and driving will be important.

Next we have the Support Car Championship mode, now before you think "Wait a minute there's loads isn't there?" Well yes and no and here's why...

The Support Car Championships could be speedruns within themselves and if you wanted to you could have a main category such as "Beat Support Car Championship - Any%" and also since it is all dependent on points and for those completionists like myself - "Beat Support Car Championship - 100%"

The rules for this would be simple, time would start when you select your car and end when you cross the line in the last race for that series. You can use this for the main categories too if you wish.

Looking forward to hearing your responses on this and seeing how you feel about these new categories :)

josef733 المعجبون بهذا
Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK5 years ago

So in the last year I've held a rallying speedrunning marathon based around the Colin McRae Rally/DIRT Series and this time we are back for a third installment with McRaeathon 3.

We are raising money this time around and are allowing all off-road racing/rallying games so if that sounds like the kind of marathon you'd like to be a part of be sure to check out the official thread and submit some of your favourite runs today! 😃

Submissions close on October 27th 2019


Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK5 years ago

Hi there, So when playing this game and doing the World Xplorer Any% speedrun I noticed the amount of races you can do on the Basic Route and thought what about creating a category to complete all races on the Basic Route as well? Granted it would take a lot longer but for those such as myself willing to give it a try why not eh? :)

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK5 years ago

Hi there, So I recently picked this game up again and started playing it and I remembered that there was a Rally DLC released for the game a few years ago so I was thinking if I did a run of Any% (Complete the final rally event as fast as possible) would a leaderboard be able to be created for it? You could have it as a Misc. one if needed as it is DLC rather than something that is involved with the standalone game?

Greater Manchester, EnglandViperUK5 years ago

Hi there, I'd like to consider running the full game at some point soon however there seems to be no proper route guide for Any% and if someone does have one any chance you could put a link here so that others like myself can download and use it? Many Thanks

  • Thebpg13
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