QuébecVantooth2 years ago

I'm interested in running the game a bit more seriously and I would like to post my runs at some point but the runs I do are glitchless. No pseudowave, reverse grapplebeam(catching a grapple block from the wrong side) or the weird elevation interaction for early shinespark. This one might up for debate whether it's a glitch or not but I consider it to be.

I've seen that no major glitch category has been added, which made me hopeful that a no glitch category would be added at some point. I though that if someone showed interest in the category it might be added faster.

I just don't enjoy using glitch nearly as much, but right now even in the no major category I would be quite handicapped.

Brainblanket, JustLeeBelmont و 5 آخرون تُحب هذا
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