موضوع: Tattoo Assassins
Kentucky, USATooOrange2 years ago

I went ahead and went with the three categories, and went back and re-timed all runs to end on the frame Koldan's health bar disappears. All runs should be in the appropriate categories and re-timed correctly, if there are any issues let me know.

موضوع: Tattoo Assassins
Kentucky, USATooOrange2 years ago

I wouldn't mind adding a separate category for test skip. You make a good point that there is at least one cabinet in the wild (at Galloping Ghost I believe) someone could theoretically do a run on, and would not be able to take advantage of that. Determining what difficulty the cabinet is on might be pretty difficult should someone ever actually submit one, but I suppose that's a bridge to cross if it happens. Alternatively to having three categories, would it maybe be better to just have an Any% and No Test Skip category, and just have difficulty as an option similar to character under the run?

I have no issues with changing the timing, as I mentioned before I pretty much just picked an arbitrary spot that was easy to time. Do you have a suggestion on how we would determine the final hit frame? I've noticed that the health bars disappear after the final hit, so maybe the frame that they disappear? Depending on the attack I wonder if it might be difficult to determine exactly when the final hit "lands" otherwise but I could definitely be missing something as well.

DWednesday المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Tattoo Assassins
Kentucky, USATooOrange2 years ago

Hey there! I kind of just threw up a run and got this game added just because I didn't see it listed on here. The 1CC thing was just a carryover from other things I had seen, but I don't necessarily see why it would need to stay that way. The timer stop on the newspaper was mostly just because it was an easy cue to stop a timer on.

I did notice the issues with DBCade's run and mentioned to him at the time that I thought he maybe had some emulation issues on his end, but again as you said it technically only would have made his run slower and not given him benefit, so I saw no reason not to approve it.

That's interesting that is the only difference between difficulties. I honestly didn't put a ton of time into this game so I guess I hadn't really made that observation. That being said, since they do play differently it seems it would be best to keep them as separate categories, but it's certainly not something I'm set on one way or another.

DWednesday المعجبون بهذا
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Just a guy playing old videogames, sometimes fast-ish.
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