موضوع: Introductions
NetherlandsTamara2 years ago


My name's Tamara, I've been in and out of Speedrun communities for around 10 years now, but never made an account on this website until now (or it was under a different name that I can't remember). I'm currently looking into finally participating myself instead of just being a viewer. I'm not sure what game to play yet though, still working that out.

My first experience with speedrunning was probably OoT, after that I got into other Zelda runs, then got interested in the N64 Rare games (DK64, BK, BT) since those are some of my all time favorite games. Nowadays I don't watch as much anymore as I used to, but Elden Ring has reignited my interest :)

Hopefully I'll be able to figure out what I want to run soon so I can start setting some times and hopefully compete for records down the line!!

Tamaya, Sizzyl و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
نبذة عن Tamara
تاريخ الانضمام
2 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
1 year ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المُجراة
Peggle Deluxe
Peggle Deluxe
آخر سجل 2 years ago
الألعاب المتابَعة
Peggle Deluxe
Peggle Deluxe
آخر زيارة 2 years ago
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
آخر زيارة 2 years ago