I'm not sure about truck ride skip , is it allowed or not. Also what does "bhop boost is not allowed" mean?
BOZAK_115 المعجبون بهذا
Pretty random and hard
Very hard jump , requires a lot of practice
New skip! Works on: Camp toccoa , ship. Jump to the ladder , HOLD W , quicksave near the end of ladder , quickload ,keep your w key pressed. You will gain big speed , quicksave quickload every second , keep your W key pressed! Now you are flying!
BOZAK_115 المعجبون بهذا
Everytime im speedrun call of duty with game time selected in "Compare against" livesplit time goes so slow. seconds are way longer
How to make livesplit on top of call of duty in full screen mode? windowed mode works, but the mouse starts to lag (Slides while I don't touch it) (Sorry for bad english)
BOZAK_115 المعجبون بهذا
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