موضوع: Speedrunning
SuckySpeedrun6 years ago

I don't have a capture card and my computer is a Mac. I want to submit speed runs, but I can't get footage. What do I do?

موضوع: Speedrunning
SuckySpeedrun6 years ago

Recently, I was on Youtube and stumbled across a video called "World Record Progression: Super Mario 64." I saw how Mips Clips and the BLJ were found, and it got me thinking about if a new glitch could be discovered. I might've found my answer. As anybody who has watched a 0 or 1 star speed run would know, if you use the BLJ inside of the small area by the stairs, you can BUILD UP SPEED FOR 1 2 H O U R S (I'm sorry) and use it to pass through the 8 star door to skip BBB, WF, and possibly CCM. I then realized that you could keep from turning and possibly pass through the key door, skipping BITDW and BITFS PLUS the hardest trick of the run, being the downstairs BLJ. I probably couldn't do this because I have only done 16 star runs and everytime I try a 1 or 0 star run, I always accidentaly go back in bounds while preparing for the BLJ. I hope somebody who can pull of 0 or 1 star runs will try this. If this was possible, it would absolutly destroy the SM64 speedrunning community. Going off the WR for 0 star, being Akira's 6 minute 44 second run, and the 1 star WR, being Xiah's 7 miniute 21 second run, this could break times down to, possibly, the 3-4 minute mark without mistakes. If somebody tests this out, contact me with a PM or comment on this post. Hope it works!

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موضوع: Speedrunning
SuckySpeedrun6 years ago

So I've been running SM64 for about a year, and I just made a Speedrun.com account, but I use Wii U Virtual Console to run. I don't have a capture card, and I use a Mac. How can I provide video evidence?

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6 years ago
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