Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilSmosism7 years ago

As the title mentions, i think the rules are a little bit too loose at the moment, as it doesn't cover the option of using the "too hard for me" mode and, since interest in the game has been grown lately, I think it would be good to talk about this sooner than later.

Too hard for me mode allows for faster recharge of energy, meaning you can transform more, grating more possibilities for faster levels times and unique IL strategies.

I honestly think it should be allowed for all categories since it means faster times and more enjoyable grind on the harder aspects of the game (Like the heavy precision section and the inconsistent IL strats that could be used on speedrun more freely).

I'd like to hear opinions on the matter, specially from other runners, to see if we can reach a consensus. If this thread gets no response and/or colaja does not see the messages I sent him on twitter to discuss about this in one more week (so august 27th), I'll update the rules as stated above, since I think it's the best direction for this game.

Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilSmosism7 years ago

In order to look more fancy and clear, I reworked all four any% categories under one big "Any%" category with difficulty subcategories for all 4 difficulties. All 6 runs on this leaderboard have been added with all their details intact, these includes commentary, date the run was played, final time, runner name and splits.io links.

Since 3 of the runs were with the twitch vod broken (the ones from 2015 and older), I edited these submissions with updated links so now the VODs are working properly..

Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilSmosism8 years ago

Hello everyone, I've been playing this for a while and I finished a route for the game as well. I've done a run of some sorts but the video got cut because of connection issues and the audio got partially muted, which should be fixed on my next attempt.

I came here to discuss possible rules/categories for this game, just so the pages looks i little bit nicer.

From what I could gather this games offers some basic ideas:

Every car has 6 races + 2 DLC races; There are 43 cars (or 42, I don't remember) + a bunch of DLC ones that can be used on career; In this game the DLC brings cars, events and billboards, but the billboards can be broken without acquiring the DLC for it;

Categories-wise, would be insteresting separating dlc form no-dlc, as there is much more content w/ dlc and it would be a much faster speedrun.

About rules, My run would use the following setup:

  • No external music, only the EA trax would be playing during the run, with subtitles enabled;
  • I'd play on an alternative account with no friends AND in offline mode;
  • Timer would start after pressing enter during the Offline notification after you start the game;
  • Timer starts when the screen fades away before the ending cutscene, which occurs after you shutdown all blacklist cars;
  • Run would be RTA as the game has shown signs of crash (mostly random and unexpected);
  • Save file would be deleted before the run to configure a fresh start. About saves:
  • You can disable cloud storage on origin;
  • Keyboard controls and other misc options (volume, settings, subtitles, metric/us imperial) is placed on a different file from the saved data (which records your SP, races finished, carsa opened, billboards triggered and etc.), which is pretty convenient to reset your progress back to zero, but without having to change the control every time.

These are the basic ideas, will follow this thread to continue the discussion. Have a good day.

Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilSmosism8 years ago

I was watching his VOD and his time is a 3:47/3:48. He does the final split a couple of seconds after he get's bitten by the lady. So he deserves the best time spot :)

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