EgyptSeto_3rd2 years ago

Despite being nearly 10 seconds ahead of 2nd place, my 2:55.68 is not an optimal time. With current strats and enough grinding, the time could be brought down to a high to mid 2:54. In this post I will explain how to do exactly that. Checkpoint resetting and late jumps are fairly self-explanatory and will not be covered here.

For reference, the video I'll be referring to is here:

Timestamps will refer to the video timeline, not the run timer itself.

First and foremost, make a jump macro. The skips I've found are only really possible when spamming spacebar every frame, which obviously isn't feasible for a human. There are any number of ways to do this; I personally have a keyboard macro bound to a function key. This will enable you to jump off every wall frame-perfectly. It will also make possible what I've named the double jump glitch.

There is a very brief period before hitting the ground after a jump where a jump can be input early. Holding down your jump macro makes this trivial, and is how I get onto the first platform at 0:36 early. To my knowledge, no time can be saved before this point.

In my run, I jumped late and got caught on the platform for longer than is optimal. The best place to jump that I've found is here: https://i.imgur.com/XTHbelx.png

During the elevator ride at 1:13, it is possible to get slightly higher on the elevator by jumping off and hitting the 3 bombs earlier (see my no skips record for a more optimal sequence). This allows you to jump off earlier and therefore hit the checkpoint faster. Care must be taken not to jump too early however, as with the jump macro it is possible to beat the elevator and hit the wall behind it, resulting in a death.

The quick platform elevator sequence at 1:27 can be performed by holding the jump macro at the last possible moment before you start to fall into the spikes. Too early or too late and you'll miss the jump to the 2nd wall.

The checkpoint at 1:41 is my sloppiest by far. To begin, it is possible to perform a double jump in a similar fashion to the one done at 0:36, by first jumping and hitting your head against the pointy bit that comes down. This would allow you to get higher up on the elevator and therefore jump off earlier. In my run I jump off very late. You can also jump off into the gravity flipper earlier (1:50).

After activating the elevator at 1:54, it's possible to jump off the platform before the gravity flipper and land directly on the bomb.

It's possible to jump off the elevator at 2:55 earlier. You can't jump straight off it, but should be able to make the jump the frame it starts to move.

The final trick of the run is going through the elevator at 2:45. This is done, like my other tricks, by spamming the jump macro. Unlike my other tricks, I have no idea why this happens or how to make it consistent. Jumping just before the final set of spikes seems to help. On average, I get this trick roughly every 5-6 tries. Also of note: after you get through the elevator, you need to jump when I do in the video. If you just walk off, you'll fall through the other ceiling as well and end up dying to another ceiling above it covered in spikes.

I believe I did the final jump late in my run. Since the timer stops as soon as you do it, there's time to save there.

Aside from better checkpoint resetting being possible, what I've listed above is (to my knowledge) all the time that remains to be saved in this game. There is potential for more if another skip is found, particularly if a way to jump through the wall at 0:51 is discovered, though I haven't had any luck with that. On the off chance anyone is reading this and wants to try running the game, I wish you the best of luck. I'd love to see my record go down.

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