United KingdomSamdaharu1 year ago

Nicely done! Those were impressive chain cancel combos ^_^ I've not seen those done as quickly and consistently as you.

Igt gets old very fast in pw3, there's a reason we stick to rta for the most part.

Once again, well done :)

Fran_isla97 المعجبون بهذا
United KingdomSamdaharu1 year ago
تم حذف هذا التعليق
United KingdomSamdaharu4 years ago

'Discovered story events' encompasses dialogue bubble events (where the [...] bubble appears above the character's head) and treasure events that have already been seen. regular cutscenes will still trigger and need to be skipped manually. Previously unseen events will still trigger and have to be skipped. On a fresh save, that will be all of them.

If the PC version can just straight up turn off cutscenes altogether, consider me envious!

SilentProtagonist المعجبون بهذا
United KingdomSamdaharu4 years ago

On console, the skip cutscene function is lumped in with the pause button, so I'd wager if you can't bind a dedicated skip to controller, see if the pause button works. (I'm not on PC so I unfortunately can't confirm anything)

United KingdomSamdaharu5 years ago

Hi there! Glad to see you here ^_^

Single Levels are divided into RTA and IGT categories, since special attack animations and activating Kizuna rush pause the in-game timer, changing the strategies used for IGT. Feel free to submit in either. For RTA, timer starts once "start battle" is pressed, and timer ends once the "victory" text is displayed onscreen, or the final cutscene of the level is triggered (whichever is applicable for the stage). IGT uses the time displayed on the results screen.

There are some splits for any% in the Resources tab, graciously provided by Volteri.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask :) I wish you all the best ^_^

Soulless_Persona المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Kingdom Hearts III
United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Could it be worth equipping abilities to the gummi ship, ie the one that increases cannon damage? You unlock them as your ship levels up and I think they’re available when you leave Toy Box. Shouldn’t take more than 10 seconds to equip and might push some more damage through.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts III
United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Resolution can be set in the PS4 system settings. I changed mine (PS4 slim, HDD) to 720p and shotlocks seem to be working fine for me now

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Ah, the site logged me out so I didn’t notice I missed a bunch of stuff.

The IL section looks great ^_^

Brief question about the RTA ILs, some stages cut to black after the boss, and some display a victory message. I assume the timer stops on the cut to black or when the victory message appears, depending on the stage?

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

I'm fine with getting g rid of it. We can revisit this if someone comes along asking for it or finds a way to make it work.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

I might suggest having Individual Level and Segmented both split into two categories: IL timer and RTA, since special spam gives faster IL times, while In RTA, special spam is a liability. This would allow for both types of run in each category.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

I like the idea, although specials are routinely used during stages, namely on the end bosses. If a distinct line between “special spam” and “other” can be drawn, it could work. I don’t think outright banning special spam is the right way to go, since as far as IL times are concerned, going fast is the goal, and there may be some optimal routes and strategies unique to the category.

Perhaps a “spam-less” category could be timed in RTA, from the start of battle to results screen, since it would de-incentivise mashing specials.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Marineford 1 has been bugging me to no end, so I’ve been workshopping ways around the escorts. I’ve managed to get a relatively clean jozu 1 and 3 using well timed lv2 supers, albeit inconsistently.

Jimbei, on the other hand... by activating his hero power as soon as it becomes available (accomplished through taking out the base captains and enemies at the top of the map) staggers Moria’s appearance and allows Jimbei to waltz right past that section.

Usopp has further solidified his position as fastest Arlong Park character due to the fact that you can destroy Nami’s switch after she opens the gate, skipping the cutaway animation of her destroying it, and her celebratory dialogue after she does so.

Edit: Okay, the Jimbei escort is solved. In addition to the Moria strat, defeating doflamingo once he shows up turns all of the pirate captains into allies, clearing the path entirely. I think this pushes the split to sub 14:00. I’m not sure Jozu will be entirely consistent, but it sure removes a lot of the AI related time loss.

FinalFrantasy المعجبون بهذا
United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

I think you hit the nail on the head. I’ve felt the urge to time as Doffy goes down, and the cut to black is a very clear and satisfying visual aid. I’ll give it a shot in my next run. Thanks :)

Once you resign yourself to the fact that Jozu is going to be your biggest time loss, it makes it easier to carry on. Even then, liberal use of Whitebeard’s assist attack after a TTT goes a long way :) If there are any text skips I’m missing, I’d be grateful to hear them.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

So apparently Oars’ arms have hitboxes regardless of what’s happening. I was able to damage him in his normal standing position by aiming Franky’s R1 at his arms. No more waiting for him to bring his fist down :)

Edit: I just re-read the NG+ Rules, and it says the timer stops once You defeat Doflamingo. I’ve been hitting time on the Dressrosa results screen. Should I time runs on the cut to black from now on? It cuts the run time by about 5-7 seconds, so it’s nothing big in the grand scheme of things, and most games hit time on final boss hit anyway.

Soulless_Persona و FinalFrantasy تُحب هذا
United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Thanks :) I thought I was going to take a break from NG+ to try and submit a NG run, but it looks like there's still a ways to go before i'm satisfied.

Yeah, Ivankov is needed for one of the legend mode missions. You need to use them to save crocodile.

Some run notes:

A couple of things I noticed just before/during the run is that the massive explosion from Fujitora's R1 stops time for a moment, or, at the very least, stops moving allies. I think it grabbed my attention in the Return to Sabaody where in either this run or the last, I was about a minute off mark, which is strange, since it's a largely scripted stage. I'm looking at replacements for that level. It all comes down to Sentomaru. Fujitora still seems to be the fastest option for Water 7, which I wouldn't have a problem with if trying to fight Blueno with him wasn't hellish.

No matter how fast I make it, I still hate Arlong Park. Or rather, I hate using Usopp on Arlong Park. If he wasn't 30 seconds faster hitting the switch at the start, i'd be happy to use literally anyone else XD Other than that, I think I have all of chapter 1 pretty consistent.

Drum Island is an important stage. I managed to skip the lapahn opening the shortcut, which requires capturing two territories and taking down Wapol VERY quickly, and I skipped the long conversation with Wapol at the end of the stage. This is done by getting him to his final HP barrier before the second cutscene, so he starts to power up right as you skip it.

Skypiea was great. Destroying the extra two cloud barriers paid off, and I managed to take out Enel's final HP bar before he activated his hero power. There might be more time to save if there's a way to stop the strawhat retreat messages being staggered behind Enel's retreat/reappearance messages.

I'm still always worried about hitting the SUPER skip, no matter how many times it works. I tried to make it a little easier by standing facing the north exit of the base when I launched the Kizuna finisher in the hopes it would hit some of the enemies outside it. I don't think it did anything, but it made me feel better at least XD One day i'm going to lose a great run to missing the skip and it will crush me.

I managed to skip collecting Robin during Thriller Bark by shooting the Zombie captain from far away enough, and entering the base with Moria from the east entrance. The final Moria fight was always a problem, since a lv1 super doesn't take out the final segment and Moria likes to punish you at any distance. I used Ace's R1 to put him in oneshot range, then finished him with a lv1.

Marineford 1 is always bad. Although Jimbei powered straight past the zombie captains, so there's that :)

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Finally. Now that the sub 3:50:00 is there, I'm going to start maxing out some more characters to see if there's any hidden gems. TS Frank currently has my attention, since his R1 seems rather powerful and reaches quite a distance.

Also, after the run, I decided to take Ivankov into Impel down,, and lo and behold, not having to wait for them at the start chops off about 50 seconds or so.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

How did I not notice that destroying the cloud barriers with Wyper makes the strawhats’ retreat about a minute faster??? Also, I gave Took off Sanji’s battlefield charisma in favour of The power to percieve one’s true form. I think I’ve taken Sanji off all stages that would require him to enter Kizuna rush. This should also make Enel and Kizaru a little faster.

Edit: Oh boy, Fujitora's SSST draws in pacifistas in Sabaody Archipelago. I managed to get them into the zone before Law had even stopped talking!

Edit(2): Hold that thought, I’m going to see if I can get this to work consistently first. Sabaody was/is one of the places where you can lose minutes, and in some cases, a run to bad pacifista AI. If there’s a way to eliminate that randomness, I’ll take it.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Thanks ^_^ I managed to get the skip with Sanji consistently now, although it takes a couple of lv1 supers to clear enemies out on time, and to delay the start of Frank's advance.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

I managed to confirm a theory of mine yesterday - there is a tiny window between a boss powering up into phase 3 and activating their hero ability. One in which they can be hit. I confirmed it on smoker (using smoker) in Loguetown (I think I managed it on Don Krieg, too). I think it only saves a couple of seconds, but it could be worth it. If I’m fast enough, I might be able to snag Kuro with a Sky Walk or an SST, assuming it’ll take him in one.

I’m going to try and record an “experimental” run sometime this week. I’ve been messing with Fujitora and Smoker to see if they actually produce faster results on some levels, and this seems like a good way to find out. I’m also in need of a backup plan if I can’t get the SUPER skip on post-Enies lobby consistently with Sanji. Fujitora is my safety net there, although he sacrifices a little time to the 3-phase Franky and Garp fights. Nothing quite compares to Sanji’s SSST.

United KingdomSamdaharu6 years ago

Yeah, the dialogue makes grinding the same level a real chore, although it does let me scratch my multitasking itch and check my phone during a run. There are some stages where you can skip dialogue if you're fast enough, unfortunately Alabasta isn't one of them. IL runs were starting to appeal to me until it all came down to mashing specials on every dialogue box.

Luffy is especially important to limit break for RTA, since you're stuck with him for marineford 2 (and marineford 1 if you don't feel like escorting both him and Jimbei)

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