CubaSalamiMommie2 years ago

Did a quick compile of my knowledge, some may be repeated:

General remarks: Length of jump determined by time holding jump (?Need to find frame data for jump input window?)

Tapping jump and realeasing very quickly performs a “grounded” jump. This gives you a small speed boost, but your speed resets quickly. Useful to cut fractions of a second off on straightaways. Also great for resetting you momentum if you do it backwards/sideways You can abuse tap-jump up hills more easily

Your ball spinning will move you on its own. Pay attention to this when landing on narrow rails

You can double jump, but not near ledges for some reason. This makes it easier to get on boxes

The arrows pointing you to the end are also speed boosts Boosts stack You can usually use the starting ones

Air friction is higher than ground friction. Your top speed is lower in the air

near the top of the hill, doing a medium jump to land on top of the hill so you don’t use it as a jump can be a great pathing tool

?rolling down long hills gives you a speed boost, it is unclear if the animation is required to go faster, or if speed is only gained after a certain distance?

Because your has inertia, cutting corners by jump over them is often a good option because as well as pathing, the ball’s momentum is reset except for spinning

bumping into a corner will give you vertical momentum upwards bumping into a wall will slow your momentum, useful for shortening higher jumps


Tap-jump up the hill for speed

Jump small gap on right

Tap-Jump into med jump so you don’t use the hill as a ramp

Cut corner on curve

Cut corner by jumping off right side of bridge

try to land on tops of the ramp stairs


You can cut the corners around the blocks

don’t go too fast up the ramp before the jump pad so you stay grounded

go up right side and bump into wall to reach next jump pad or ground faster


cutting corners at the start is very useful for momentum

after the first yellow platforms, you can jump immediately down onto the lower platforms

the next platforms, hit the 3rd one with max forward momentum and roll off to get underneath quickly


tap-jump up the pipe

you can roll off the ramp for less airtime

the final ramps you can roll off for less airtime


right – left – jump out the gap into a hidden space behind – repeat to get to stairs

easy: go right and immediately right and jump along the tops hard: go right, hit the boosters, then jump across the tiny platforms


jump before the hill so you can be headed downward when you pass the edge

middle skip is pretty obvious

after the 3rd set of boxes, from the platform you can jump to the swivels, and take them to the platform ahead


tap-jump to push boxes faster (doubly effective if you can tip it to rest on you)

you may be able to jump to the tree or even off the box to skip the vertical box part

you can jump around the hedge at the end of the map straight to the end


It is difficult but possible to go straight through all the starting hammers

med jump before the top of the ramp before the jump to save height

the first hammer after the jump can be used to launch you forward. Hard to pull off quickly enough to save time


landing on the sloped edge of a donut is easier because you lose the ability to jump if you fall off the top “spine”

you can use the corner lip on the platform before the pink ring to get extra vertical since the ring goes up you can cut more using it

tap-jump up the ring for speed


with good timing you can hit the speed boost on the plate with the checkpoint

the spinning plates effect your momentum in the direction of rotation

you can skip the blueberry cake spinner with a well timed jump

2-4: you can immediately board the platform if you roll onto it, wait a split second and then jump into the ballpit

you can skip the first checkpoint by jumping on top

the last ramp you can use the spine to continue moving forward


A full jump on the first jump pad will reach the top

a full jump on the second jumppad on the 2nd set of pads will reach the platform

timing a jump so you are travelling upward and hit the elevator near the apex of your jump will send you high enough to skip the end of the stage by flying out of the pipe


you can jump from the first cutting board onto the pin, then coffees, then the forward cutting board

as soon as you can see the end you can jump on the rollingpin


Obvious shortcut at the start. Not obvious how to use it. ?Best practice is to land on the back of it before its apex so you can build forward momentum?

Double jump useful for hammers, don’t hug wall, stay on back third of red floor


Not sure if routes at the start matter, as long as you hit all the pads you make the same timing for the pusher

can skip last hidey hole ?others may be skippable for sweats?


You can use boost pad and jump over bomb, the boxes are light

wall of bombs at the end, hold the restart button as close to 3s before hitting them so you can respawn immediately

You can use the bombs on the rotating platforms to boost forward, tight timing


boost pads at top worth the pathing

can roll up the first ramp

cut the gap and jump the ramp

helps to roll down other side of half pipe but not necessary


roads are horrible

keep low on the boosters so you can hit a lot of them on landing

no jump needed for final platforms


if you math the rotation of the fans at the end you can get it in 1 cycle


drop onto roofs at start and use small jumps to clear their gaps and edge


you can go full speed across the cranes, full jumps still make it

on the last jump pad wait to hold forward so you don’t bonk the wall


if you cut onto the boat, you can take the back jump pad immediately to the next section

tap-jump really helps at the cannonball part for the winding straighaways


you can tap jump up the right side of the cannonball slide

at the final cannon you can use the corner of the ramp to jump onto the roofs


Hit the ramps at the highest point possible to knock them around quicker


can skip the 3rd platform of the first set

after the last checkpoint you can jump from 2nd platform to last platform


Can jump directly onto ice seesaw after getting up


its easy


you can use the wall of the ice tube to tap-jump

in the chute before the wooden fence you can jump off and skip part of the level


Asteroids are a shortcut Sweat timing you can use both jump pads immediately Otherwise you wait a little on the 2nd rock until pad faces up again

use the spines of the spinning platforms to keep going forwards


you can use the planet but its hard otherwise go straight forward to minimize contact area

you can skip first checkpoint to land on 2nd platforms

cutting helps you here because the ground is ice so momentum changes slow


shorthop is enough to clear bombs under hammers

machines on left can be used as a step so you don’t bump the corner getting up

after up can jump to 2nd plat then shortjump to jumppad

hitting the wall of the way up helps

you can jump around the wall with bombs on it

same bomb tip as b4, hold restart <3s before hitting bombs


heavy gravity means you can abuse tap jump

broken ramp shortcut needs to be done at full speed


tap-jump good to round corners

after the ramp up you can jump directly to the checkpoint platforms

a well timed full jump can reach the ramp

you can go around and jump as well, may be faster since you don’t need to go up


satellite at the end has no hitbox


jump before ramp ends for more speed

left or right side of jumppads can be done by holding forwards

on the ring, wait until platform is flat and switch sides, then climb it and board the spaceship to the end

Matsyir المعجبون بهذا
CubaSalamiMommie2 years ago

Space Stage 1 WR route:

Matsyir المعجبون بهذا
CubaSalamiMommie2 years ago

Yeah, I plan to play on the mouse and keyboard once I get a numpad or something, spamming space on blue switches hurts the thumb

CubaSalamiMommie2 years ago

My newer runs should be a better guide than that video now, although less commentary

The graphics are weird on mine because of something to do with OBS streaming. I have a really low bandwidth and no hard drive space, so i just stream to twitch and save the vods there. But because of the bandwidth im assuming its heavily compressed which is why the colours are weird. It looks normal on my end while im playing

Probably put in 10 runs of space and I havent been able to beat your time😝. Even found a big stage 1 skip where you can just jump off the asteroids without using their jump pads, but those grav pads on jupiter, and the jump onto the ramp keep getting me! Hoping to snap out of my depresso and have the energy to grind it a lil more

CubaSalamiMommie2 years ago

hey glad to see someone else running the meme, i found a lot of pathing optimizations and skips, i hope this video helps

Matsyir المعجبون بهذا
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