ScotlandPretzalsticks1 month ago

As the title states I am just curious on how people feel about using the deaf mode setting in runs. A few friends and I were discussing the topic and I'd like some input on it out of pure curiosity.

ScotlandPretzalsticks1 month ago

The title explains it all really but i was wondering if i used the tech where you climb over the railing would my run get dq'd? Any help on this would be greatly apreciated! :D

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1 month ago
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19 days ago
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الألعاب المُجراة
Roblox: Pressure
Roblox: Pressure
آخر سجل 30 days ago
الألعاب المتابَعة
Roblox: Pressure
Roblox: Pressure
آخر زيارة 1 month ago