So I've bene Wandering for a while of the "constant" switch of DS screens and how am I going to switch screens in the video. Apart from the vertical one, can someone tell me if I can do that without invalidating the run?
I know in the submit link is writed "Emu are banned", but I was thinking if it's accepted. I'm stupid, ok? Obviously there are games (like Sky Jump) than there aren't possible on EMU, but...
sWinTuZ المعجبون بهذا
I actually have an idea for this: Mario 726: Basically is the Super Mario Galaxy series, including the 3DAS version. You do 242 Stars in SMG1 Wii, 242 Stars in SMG2 Wii and 242 Stars in SMG1-3DAS. I think this is a better category for Super Mario Galaxy Series but I just posted that here.
726 because 242 + 242 + 242 = 726 Stars
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