تشغيل: Big Scary
But I can’t get on because I’m at my dads this weekend and I didn’t bring my quest
موضوع: Big Scary
Ya I would do glitches allowed run
موضوع: Big Scary
I agree but they should also have a glitchless category
موضوع: Big Scary
I feel like I have the rules memorized so just wondering
موضوع: Big Scary
If the video are longer than like 15 minutes they won’t sync to the mobile app
موضوع: Big Scary
Can u just open the door on every level than run through or can u only press buttons
موضوع: Big Scary
I posted a run 5 days ago now and the last run accepted was 8 days ago
موضوع: Big Scary
Idk bout y’all but 4 days ago I submitted a level 2 speedrun (27.52) and a level 9 speedrun (54.17) but still haven’t gotten any feedback just try to get to it as fast as u can. Thanks
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