Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko1 year ago

There is no need for a seperate board because there is no demand for one. If there are a multitude of PAL runners that suddenly spring up (and ask for a board) then we will create one. Because no one runs on PAL, it is also the less preferable version for the game compared to NTSC which is smother to play and is the version most people have. Majority of these runs are also low leaderboard times that are multiple years old so it makes more sense to just remove them rather than create a board that no one will submit to.

noobguy57 و Glitchedblood تُحب هذا
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko1 year ago


Teeejj و noobguy57 تُحب هذا
موضوع: Sonic Hexacide
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko1 year ago


Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko1 year ago

The general rule for categories and such is that if enough people do runs of said category and want it to be added, then it will be added. Even if you ignore the fact that runs under 10 seconds are extremely short for SRC, there has been not one person outside of you who has asked for Flap records on the site.

noobguy57 المعجبون بهذا
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

Hey there. There's no separate category for Solo Sonic nor Solo Tails because their runs don't really have much of a difference other than the Metropolis 3 Level Wrap which requires Tails (or in the case of glitchless minor timesaves in Metropolis and a couple other stages). You're still free to run Solo Sonic or Tails though.

Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

Hi there. I rejected your run mainly due to there being an emulator pause after your completion of Metropolis Act 1. You said that you alt-tabbed out of Retroarch, and this caused the game to pause. The difference with this as apposed to an in-game pause is that it completely stops the emulation including mechanics such as power-on cycles within the game. There is a setting you can disable within Retroarch so that alt-tabbing or clicking off the Retroarch window does not pause the emulation. As noobguy already mentioned as well, you did not show the Genesis Plus GX core either. I apologize if my original rejection message was unclear and I hope this information helps if you decide to submit a run again.

MoD1982, Glitchedblood, و noobguy57 تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

@YUMmy_Bacon5 They can be disabled only by the runner and it has to be on ALL runs and not specific ones. Also mods don't have the option to disable comments on their games which should have been top priority over anything else.

Nightwish, Helix و 6 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

So I entirely watched the video and I have a few things to say. For one I personally have no doubts that Jaypin did not have any malicious intents (in the videos). In general other than a few things he said I view him in a much more positive light.

His excuse for deleting comments was really weak though and he mentions the fact that he only submitted the runs in 2019 within like one sentence. He also didn't really give a reason for why he did that unless I missed it. I really don't doubt that he does want to come back and is sorry for what he did.

That being said I still think cheaters should be punished and that these things should have no effect on the outcome. Jaypin stole 4 runs plain and simple and he did lie and hide things in his first video. He should be punished with a ban. I also don't understand why he can't make the videos and likes/dislikes public but whatever.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

You can't even compare underage runners and cheaters because they're completely different, let alone say that they are equivilent. Yeah, they should both be banned from the site and their respective communities but it's for entirely separate reasons. Please never use this comparison again lol.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako و 5 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

This conversation isn't about other runners it's about Jaypin. I think most of us have already said this but all cheaters or rule breakers should be punished. Regardless you're getting sidetracked with irrelevant topics and it's not like we can do anything about these people. Right now the relevant topic is Jaypin and SRC staff's incompetency NOT other cheaters.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako و 4 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

Replying to Kkntucara: That's what we were trying to focus on until you started defending Jaypin in every post clearly without even reading any of ours.

As many people have already stated, the main underlying issue is that the incompetent staff of this "website" unbanned a proven cheater with no information as to why.

Keeping this guy - who stole runs, lied and showed manipulative behaviour, is deleting any comments criticizing him and refusing to even publicly make a statement, unbanned just looks bad for any community that does this. One example of this is say someone wants to run a game and be part of the community. If they find out that this board has accepted runs from a known cheater it might turn them away.

Also as said already the measures to ensure he doesn't cheat again is to keep him banned. Even if you do accept his runs you'd need to go through so many runs looking to see if the submitted one is plagiarized. You'd need to check for splices, cheats within the run amongst many other things. It isn't even practical to do something like that with a person who submits so many speedruns and from what I can think of there would be no other effective countermeasures.

IMO at the current knowledge we have keeping this guy unbanned is just bad moderation of your board.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako و 4 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

Why do we need a response from Jaypin about his lies. Do you really think he'll just come clean like that? There's more than enough evidence that supports the fact that he lied and that pretty much is his second chance. Someone who cheats and then lies and twists his words should not be given another chance or at the very least not any time soon.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako و 6 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

Responding to Kkntucara: Your original argument was completely different. You pretty much said that if a "trash" run is cheated it doesn't matter but if a WR level run is cheated THEN it should be inspected. I don't know why you're bringing up cheating without knowledge of the game or legitimate low-level runs or as you call them "trash" runs.

Multiple people at this point have said that this isn't his 2nd chance. Even if you want to count the 4 runs as one chance he'd still be past 2 chances because of his lies and attempt at manipulation in the video. Once again he may have PERFORMED the runs in 2015 or whenever it was but he SUBMITTED his runs in 2019 and then he said blatant LIES during his "apology" video in 2021, twisting his words in a way that makes him seem innocent. Once again this is coming from someone who SUPPORTED him after his apology video came out all the way until I found out that he lied about multiple things not to mention calling out multiple runners with little to no evidence.

If you still don't understand then go back and read Merl's last post thoroughly because it honestly seems like you're just skimming over everything or straight up not reading.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako و 5 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

(Replying to Kkntucara). Unless I misunderstood somehow what you're saying is that it doesn't matter if old runs are cheated as long as they aren't close to wr level? Once again I apologize if this isn't what you meant (your wording was a bit hard for me to understand) but if it is then you clearly don't know what you're talking about. It doesn't matter whether the stolen run is or isn't at a world record level. Letting stuff like this slide damages the integrity of that game's leaderboard and community and could make other more impressionable runners think that stealing runs is ok?

Also just because someone submits a run to a new board first doesn't necessarily mean it isn't stolen/cheated. Sure the chances are a lot lower (close to 0) but there's always a chance.

Regardless of whether a run is old or new, WR level or not, it doesn't matter if the run is cheated or stolen. Anyone who pulls this shit should be punished immediately.

YUMmy_Bacon5, MrMonsh, و Merl_ تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

Replying to what Garsh said. I'm not going to accuse Jaypin or say whether he's being sincere on insincere, in fact to me it looks like he actually is being sincere to an extent. And that's very important because once again in that message he omits one of the most important things in that although the runs were performed what 5 or 6 years ago, the runs were uploaded to SRC in 2019. Making an argument like "I forgot they were plagiarised" simple doesn't work.

He also doesn't mention any of the outrageous claims he made in his video like flying fox and zurggriff "backstabbing" him. For what? Cheating? He literally says in his video that he doesn't want to point fingers and then accuses them for getting him banned.

I personally don't know if he should be perma-banned nor am I qualified to make that decision. It is probably the best choice however other solid options include banning him for a long period of time (multiple years) or maybe a perma-ban that can be appealed a few years down the line. The thing I'm sure about is that he should NOT be getting away without punishment for lying about so many things in his video not to mention stealing other people's runs.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Merl_ و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

Once again I would have agreed with you if he hadn't literally lied in his video about multiple things.

Also this past you're taking about is pretty recent just two years ago. If you want to be absolutely sure he hasn't cheated in other games you'd need to check all 1.6k of his runs and that's pretty much out of the question.

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: The Site
Ontario, CanadaOumaeKumiko2 years ago

I was actually one of the few people that supported Jaypin after his "apology" video. If he hadn't lied I think giving him a second chance would be fair although all his runs should have been heavily inspected before verification.

Cheating and then accusing someone of "backstabbing you" as well as other serious claims (that were false) should be enough to get him banned from all boards and the site IMO let alone letting him moderate games. If you seriously defend this type of behaviour I honestly don't know what to tell you.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako و 5 آخرون تُحب هذا
نبذة عن OumaeKumiko
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