Nunavut, CanadaN0TRyan4 years ago

i meant the quickest death as a joke. it would become too much like obtain tnt or obtain cake.

Nunavut, CanadaN0TRyan5 years ago

Quickest death? with one category called not by fall damage?

Danny15, GraysGamesYT, و PlayerName732 تُحب هذا
Nunavut, CanadaN0TRyan5 years ago

if you scroll down to the runs and go to desired category, the rules are next to "Submit run" The rules state "you can play on any difficulty that isn't peaceful"

gravefruit و MrJoshie333 تُحب هذا
Nunavut, CanadaN0TRyan5 years ago

did you check the rules? what category are you doing?

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Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
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الألعاب المتابَعة
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
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