I'm glad to hear you are seriously paying attention to the long term and not considering Youtube the cure here. My long-term "suggestion" (currently: question) is in this direction: have you attempted communication with Twitch or Youtube? Can we get them as the current hosts of speedrun footage to take this activity seriously and give us some guarantee about its preservation? I'm sure many people are complaining about the storage limit as individuals, but I imagine the entity of speedrun.com to have more potential leverage about this.
Other than that, to what extent could Internet Archive be used meaningfully for speedrun storage?
God, many things to process here (also from your notes). And many questions appear for me about what parts are optimal to have or not. I'm glad to see the buying off came into play, I was surprised myself, but indeed, screw the cargo missions, even if it wasn't beneficial I'd still probably buy them off. I'm also aware of the achievements + landing money strat, but haven't strategized it much besides quickly doubling the 15/30 day achievements. The rest is also interesting, the tutorial skips took me off by surprise! This game really is taking off, GG!
My man. <3
(also srcom please delete the comments function already, who uses this)
Segmented runs are not allowed, for fullgame runs on sr.com leaderboards you need a full run in one sitting. However, you could use segmented runs for strategy and guide making, so you can post these here or under Guides, if you think they show something particularly valuable for a fullgame run.
On another topic, I guess missions could be called "individual levels", but I personally would be against making IL leaderboards for them, the reason being that the most optimal way to play them would be from a full save with Power Mode but that kinda brings them down to grinding and luck.
What do you mean by "can we do it"? If you mean whether it’s allowed in all categories, then yes; if you mean if it’s possible to execute in all of 1.0/1.1/1.2, then not quite, since together with the invisible wall fix Kaze made it as good as impossible to BLJ from ceilings (they push you slightly away if you go too close), so that BLJ is definitely out in 1.2.