موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

I think the weird versions like the gba and other ports would be their own thing, since the play and handle slightly different like the MD/GEN version even if they are based on one version or another.

To give my take on how to do the boards: Sit-Down Version with the four course category. Ride-On Version with the four course category. Limited Edition Ride-On (No Turbo) with the four course category.

Rules for NPC setting I take it you will stick with the standard settings while timer won't matter? TBH this is where it can get tricky since being able to tell what settings some one is on for NPC either means they have to show the settings before a run or checkers will have to able to know the tell differences like two NPC's appearing on first turn for normal rather then the one for easy on the beginners course. Problem is I haven't checked for the harder courses to see if they have a tell like the beginners. Of course you can leave it to not matter or you could create sub sections for each version on different NPC settings Easy/Nomal/Hard/Hardest. Really up to you on this.

This covers the different ports of S.Hang-On just so you know of potential versions. http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/hangon/hangon.htm

موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

Yeah a lot of people don't know about the versions. I only know due to having it on the 3DS and it comes with the two main versions, and looking up runs online I noticed differences in peoples times and courses. Once we have the other board up for the other two versions we can submit times for the mini ride on version. The sit down version is the hardest version followed by mini ride on then limited edition. I think the PSN version counts since it's based on in game time, it would just be recording/streaming it and then cutting the best run out. I have Yakuza 0 and that also has mini ride on to play in the game. From playing the MD/GEN version is identical courses to the ride-on version, just plays slower and feels more like you're driving in treacle.

موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

It's for this version: https://beepgamecenter.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/sh6.jpg It was a special limited Japanese version of the game. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links here to MAME roms. But it will come up if you search: Super Hang-On (ride-on, Japan, FD1094 317-0038) ROM

Kusanagi765 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Speedrunning
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

Super Hang-On is a quick game to speed run. You have the arcade versions and the GEN/MD one. The longest course is around 15 minutes, while the shortest is about 5 minutes.

موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

Thanks Kusanagi765 I think it might also help people who wanna try the easier versions for speed running. You might want to beware of the other JP only version which was a limited edition with no turbo but a max speed of 323/324KMP. I would love a board for it but I know you are busy, so I'm not too bothered if you don't add it . But you might like to since it is super easy to speed run. You don't have the same frustrations compared to running sit down. Here is a video of that one:

Kusanagi765 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

Below is a 3'01"53 I have on mini ride on.

Inemuri_japon المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

Inemuri_japon time is for the mini ride-on version. It is much easier and course is different to the sit down. Under the new rules it isn't valid. Can we not add a new leader board for ride on runs?

i will post a compare of the ride on to the sit down later.

petaQ المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

I made a montage video showing some 3 runs on various settings. This is to show tricks to improving times overall. But also the differences in NPC settings. Top: My quickest time on Hardest Time settings but Easy NPC. Bottom Left: My stock settings run Normal Time/NPC. Bottom Right: Kusanagi765 run with Easy Timer but Normal NPC settings.

You can see the volume of riders compared to bottom left. But if you look at tech you want to take bends has close in has possible since this seems to improve times. The sharp turns require you coming out of them speeding up to get maximum efficiency and taking them just right by staying in tight if a NPC isn't blocking you.

If you want me to do some more for the other courses or the home version I can do so using the videos from the leader boards.

petaQ, Pinkpanther01, و Kusanagi765 تُحب هذا
موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

Did you watch my video they are the sit down version. ._. http://imgur.com/qkSswnQ I have times for the ride on and I can't post them here since you don't have a board for it. I also have times that are like 3'14 on stock settings for the Africa course in the sit down version if you open to cater for different rules.

موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt7 years ago

Okay, if you do update the rules will all my times get disqualified, or you gonna add different sub rule sets? I'm in no rush for the changes even more so if you're busy.

I'm glad you set up this board to post times.

Kusanagi765 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Hang-On
EnglandMurderousInt8 years ago

I wanted to just make sure people know that there's several different arcade versions of Super Hang-On that have different course structure. The one on this site is using the "sit down" version of tracks. If you look for videos on the mini ride on, you will see the difference in the courses. There is also another version I think a limited edition or something, which basically has the engine so to 317kmp and no turbo boost. I'm not sure if the track layout is different on that one. I can link videos for these various versions if that helps.

The second thing I wanted to mention is difficulty setting on NPC (other riders) there is a difference with the volume of riders if you switch the game to easy. If you notice at the first bend on easy you only have one yellow rider but on normal you have two riders the yellow and green. Since the NPC are one of the major things that can effect your time due to collisions having more does make you more likely to collide and lose time. I haven't messed around with the hard/very hard setting to see if even more bikers appear or with the other version like the mini ride on to see if this effects the game in the same way like in the sit down version.

A good read on the super hang-on history and games. https://beepgamecenter.com/tag/super-hang-on/ Might wanna use google translate ;)

petaQ, Kusanagi765, و Jesse_Lee تُحب هذا
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Super Hang-On
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