موضوع: Speedrunning
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun2 years ago

There are no opinions, there are set in stone rules about this: If you pause your timer your run becomes a TA run if you want to subtract your time. If you want to keep it as a single segment RTA time you have to add your time of you pausing the run. So: if you have a 25 minute run with a 5 minute pause it becomes a 30 min RTA run and a 25 min TA run. TA runs are usually NOT accepted as a WR in highly competetive games, although this rarely happens and if it happened the community could accept the run as a WR. in less popular games you can just submit your run as an RTA run and not care, as long as noone complains. It is highly recommended not to do this and only do this on rare occasions. Or if you literally would lose your run otherwise.

تشغيل: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun2 years ago

The run was performed live at (2:15:08) Ingame sound in the recording will be required for a verified run.

Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun3 years ago

Doing segmented runs seems straightforward at first, but.... savefiles are really weird in this game.... or in any flashgame for that matter.

First of all the location for robokill savefiles is : C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player#SharedObjects\E9C884M8\www.miniclip.com

(dont ask me how i found this)

The only viable way to save your gamefile is to die right after youre done with a segment in order to properly save the game. (make sure to not kill anything besides running into stuff or jumping off an edge to not delude your savefile! Otherwise the run is immediately invalid) The best way to measure the endtime of a segmented run seems to be to just tally up your RTA segment times after you're done. (unless you want to count the time it took to suicide after each segment in the ingame time after) So IGT is halfway accurate but not completely. So retiming each segment is recommended (but not required, as segmented runs arent that competetive in general i suppose)

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun3 years ago

Whats the least amount of money to use to finish the game? thats a really fun category i gotta check out some time. Maybe the default low% will be one of the main categories prbably a really good idea.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun3 years ago

as of now (22nd of June 2021) i hold all of the 40 IL records, lets see how long that will last! I guess for the streak to count i may have a week to beat the IL record thats postet back to keep it up or so, cause obviously i can't see it coming befire one of my times gets beaten :P

Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

a list of all exploits found so far, starting from the most relevant to least. I will also post some strats that i think are almost necessary to know as a speedrunner who takes this game more seriously.

  1. Medkit invunlerability. If you equip any Medkit and an entity collides and kills you, you Instead will ignore the Damage and obliterate any enemy that could deal more damage than the HP you have at the time. This works because the game refuses to kill you when a medkit is Equipped. Furthermore you won't even lose health at all and instead gain full health back instantly since the game does that when you die. This glitch has massive potential, it seems way more useful the later you are in the run, because later a lot of enemies can one shot you.

Downside: you will not gain any EXP from the enemies killed!

note: This does not seem combinable at all with revenge destroyers, as they activate just like medkits do and have nothing to do with you dying. The only reason why the medkit glitch works is cause they game absolutely hates to see you dead while having a medkit equipped.

  1. Broken AI Path glitch. In lv 12 there is a particular room with 6 orange silos spawning robots. Using the medkit invulnerability and running straight into the upper right silo lets you destroy it before the first robot even spawns. Once the silo is destroyed go slightly upward to make sure youre in position. In this spot no enemy can attack you. The robots seem to not know where to go even more bizzarre: Airplanes just appear to not go toward you at all and seem to just totally freeze in time. I'm not aware of any other spots thoguh i recall it happening before somewhere. I assume the AI including the airplanes think youre dead, as it is fairly close to the edge and the silo aswell may screw around with it. Edit: in mission 13, immediately where you first meet enemies on the platform you come in on the very bottom right of it this can be abused aswell. (the most "modern" runs already have it in them)

  2. super cheap medkits for some reason the level of secondary items is based on the mission youre in. This allows to go back to mission 1 any time to buy as many lv 1 Medkits as you need, each costing only about 300-400 bucks. It doesnt matter which level the medkit is when using invulnerability, making lv 1 and 8 near equally useful.

  3. Double Armor and Shield recharge. Switch shield charge with riot shields in every room to combine both. I know what you think. 2 shield chargers and 2 riot shields right? BAD (sort of) How about this: 4 Riot Shields and 4 shield chargers. impossible you say? - equip the riot shields while fighting, after the first is over there is about a half second window to bring up your inventory menu. switch all riot shields with your shield chargers and you can potentially double your armor and shield recharge per room. Downside of course.. it takes time to switch all of those. Do this whenever youre in danger and save up your shields and chargers, unless you can afford a laser or a bigger charger or similar. (depends on the situation but generally speaking i'd say lasers are the most important thing, especially in somewhat earlier missions.

  4. Traps. Traps are your best friends in this game. Why?

  • try not to break any boxes in a room before cleaning it from enemies
  • once you get your shield charge after cleaning a room shoot all of the boxes that survived, each box as a 5% or so chance of spawning a trap. A trap cleaned counts as a FULL ROOM CLEANED and gives you an extra shield charge.
  1. fastest EXP farm. Using the glitch mentioned in point 3. you can have a very fast (perhaps the fastest) and an easy way to gain EXP in this room:
  • perform the glitch mentioned in point 3 and get into position. Kill all robots, multiple hit guns and especially lasers are recommended for this. After you kill the last robot and your EXP bar counted all the way up, run directly off of the stage.
  • this willl guarantee the room will be overtaken by the robots again.
  • this makes it possible to perform the glitch over and over leveling up way faster than anywhere else possible in the game.
  • this may be extremely useful as using the medkit invulnerability messes with your level. And of course possibly in other categories such as 100%.
  • orange robots seem to give the highest amount of EXP relative to their strength, green enemies generally dont give much for some reason and small bugs in general dont seem to give much either in any case even if orange.
  1. rare weapon farming. When reaching lv 25 or 30 you can go back to mission 9 and farm Rare weapons by going up at the start room, picking up the key, immedeately walking off the edge end going all way to the right and grabbing the rare weapon inside the chest. Then you warp back to the vendor, go up and fall off again to save your progress. Now go back to main menu and repeat the process. The higher your level the better the weapons.

  2. Restock vendor At the beginning of any mission, if you die and quit to main menu and reenter the mission (or any other) the items will be restocked.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

this trick right here saves about 10 seconds over the other strat, saving now about 5 minutes over an RTA speedrun. I think a near perfect run would get like a 1:05. (adding all flap records except for taking out shortcuts that arent RTA viable) I guess a TAS could save 2-3 minutes from driving +5 minutes from this skip getting a 57 minute time or maybe even lower.

If a skip at stage 4 is found we may get as low as 52 or 53 minutes for TAS play and possibly 1:03 or so? with insane RTA play. But those are to be found first.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

Rain categories have been removed, since there are actually no non-mirrored rain tracks in any% where you drive the mclaren. (its not much different to sunny anyways)

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

I think a really good run could barely go below 1:05 right now, but its really darn difficult, i just wanna get a 1:08 for now and see if i can push it lower.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

Aight i think i found the most logical way to do this now.... we are gonna have 8 categories. 100% is the same as any%, except you cannot take shortcuts and have to unlock all cars. Why? because noone would want to run a game if 100% is the same as any% in that aspect. Why? Because you'd be pretty much forced to always do 100% if you do any% or else it'd be a huge waste. if the first 80% of a 100% run is the exact same as any% you cannot have that 100% category and this is why we must ban shortcuts in 100%. (also makes it longer and harder which is what most 100% categories are anyway, think of 70 star and 120 star)

So now in 100% glitchless theres a chance you may actually fail an event. Very fun and challenging, but again we have 4 100% categories so some of them are easy and fast aswell very good.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

A better name for the glitch is Transfer glitch, since you transfer the upgrades from the cheapest to the most expensive cars. also you can transfer nitrous so upgrade glitch is not quite right.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

Since 100% doesnt really make sence with common methods, i created a category that acts as a 100% replacement but is not considered a main category yet. I think this category does make a lot of sence just cause it makes the run a lot longer (every speedgame needs a long category amirite?) and you get to see all the content of the game+ theres no nonsense problems with any% crossovers.

This will be pretty cool cause any% and this category are gonna significantly different endtimes. (this category is probably almost an hour longer than any%)

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

100% would be literally any%+extra season. This means every any% runner would "waste" a 100% run by not doing the last season which is just nonsense. 100% in this game will not be a thing in this game from now on. Luckly there are a crapload of IL records to go for and 4 different any% categories.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

Holy cow i found another big timesaver for Any%. :O If you upgrade the cheapest car when performing cashglitch, the game will literally put the upgrades you put onto the cheapest car onto the expensive car. This is also true for nitrous. So you can buy nitrous for 250$ on the cheapest car and convert them into So lets say in Any% you buy the F40 for the first time, when performing cashglitch, simply upgrade the cheapest car and those upgrades will carry over to the F40, aswell as the nitrous. You have to upgrade the cheapest car every time in any% from now on, but it will still save a crapload of time. you have to make sure that you can afford the porsche on Race 4 Season 2 for sure. Idk how it is later in the game, as you buy the F40 it gets a bit complicated to know how much money to have, but im 99% sure that having the porsche on R4 S2 is the fastest. Another thing that is for sure is that you want to buy the F40 ASAP. Another thing is having the right timing with the upgrades, so you don't end up with a completely unapgraded Dodge Viper (96k car) or similar. (having the Hummer H1 in S2 R4 would be a big timeloss) Knowing exactly how to upgrade your car is really difficult. I guess that depends on each course actually. But ontop of that you have to know how to act after buying the F40.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

The IL Leaderboards feature 40 levels, 20 skips, 20 no skips. Unbelievably enough my n64 literally broke today. im gonna practice on emu i guess lol. Already ordered a new one, will arrive soon. After that i'll do IL attempts tho, i wanna bring my gameplay to the next level. and now i have internet problems... Will upload progress soon as its coming back.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

Due to practice and not wasting a ton of time for no reason purposes, in the future all IL runs will be done (normalized) into using the fully tuned Mclaren. It the vehicle you use in any% and the fastest car in the game (horse car) is annoying to unlock. Ontop of that this would be much worse when creating any sort of savefile, since you can use the mclaren in almost every season in any% and you get to unlock all the stages with all seasons throughout just 1 any% run, so you can practice or do IL runs.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

altho the other skip seems to be possible to get consistent (not entirely sure yet) at least so that you'd get it about half the time in a run, assuming you get half of them you save about 1:30. i think 1:09 on n64 is doable but it would be pretty hard.

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

Edit: its super hard .... so yea it's an IL strat or maybe for short categories, getting 3 in a row would already be staggering. I get it like 1 out of 30 times max or something and going for it in a run risks dying, would be surprised if people used this in a run. maybe if youre behind pb and have to do yolo strats but yea...

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

I just found a massive skip:

i know that a 1:13 is possible on emulator, on n64 at least a 1:14. this trick technically saves pretty much exactly 5 minutes, theres also another minute to gain in sandy beach. So interestingly enough its actually quite difficult to get 1:09, but not impossible for sure. 1:08 is defenitly possible 1:07 may not. Now that my cartridge finally arrived i can see what times i can push this to. :)

موضوع: Top Gear Overdrive
Bavaria, GermanyMrSpeedrun4 years ago

As for the categories: there are 2 reasons why glitchless categories are misc. 1. we dont want 8 main categories that'd be a bit overkill. 2. doing a skip on accident would invalidate the run so it feels a bit crappy.

I also created a small knowlege base about what i learned so far about this game in the guides section.

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