Pacifist run rules says: Complete the heist without killing any unnecessary enemy...
"unnecessary" means I can kill heist bosses like commissar in hotline miami day 2 or Hector in Hoxton revenge?
Also can I use copycat and kill somebody with it's bullet rebound?
I understand that the rules say "no mods except speedrun mod", but I would like to use the mod "RE-Buy Assets" ( This mod will allow to reduce the time between running attempts and I (and the community, if this mod is approved) will be allowed not to twitch the mouse as if a demon had possessed me on pre-planning in order to start the race itself faster.
Hi. We really inted to speedrun all payday, but according to our calculations it takes about 12 hours. How about to add rule about 15 minutes breaks every 3 hour or something like that?