United StatesMirikira6 months ago


I was double checking the rules before submitting a P-2 Any% run and noticed the no peripherals rule. I originally thought my mouse, which has two extra buttons on the side, was not considered a peripheral due to seeing similar buttons on screen in verified runs. However, I now realize that the buttons were not pressed and that the rule states that USE of peripherals/macros is not allowed. All of my runs (which I removed from the leaderboards just to be safe), use these buttons on the side. Does the usage of these buttons on my mouse disqualify my runs? or am i just misunderstanding what a peripheral/macro is?

For reference, this is my mouse: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/p/gaming-mouse/ch-9311011-na/harpoon-rgb-wireless-gaming-mouse-ch-9311011-na

United StatesMirikira6 months ago

Hello all! I'm new to speedrunning but I managed to get both a sub 00:19 and a sub 00:18 on 5-4 Leviathan. I was submitting the sub 00:18 run when I decided to double check the rules just in case. I then noticed that the no mods rule specifies that texture mods are prohibited. I have added some custom textures and music to the cybergrind, but to my knowledge those additions have 0 effect on my 5-4 runs. I figured that these runs will probably still be ineligable, but I figured I'd double check and ask if the no mods rule applies to all modifications to the game or just those that would appear on/affect a run. Thanks!

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6 months ago
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