I have made some discoveries at the expense of my liver, Dr. o Ryen put me on ice and held me at gunpoint. Let my suffering not be in Vain
Remember this, do not pirate cereal, do not cheat the Chexters https://www.tumblr.com/donotcheatthechexter/722091867531067392?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/donotcheatthechexter/722091932787113984/itll-cost-you-your-liver?source=share
Admins are fucking clueless, how did they miss the top 2 players with their obvious fouls? i've made a video that goes in depth into the state of runs, and caught cheats in the community, its worth a watch but my biggest issue is with capybara who clear as day rigged his time and shamelessly holds the second place without ever completing a bowl%
please moderators, its tarnished the whole leaderboard and is a stain on the community