GG's for breaking this barrier
I wish you the best for the future! I think we will have in your streams fun, while you're trying some challenges/ multiple alien mods
If you want to you can add me on Discord or on and I will show you how I re-time runs normally
Ok I re-timed both runs, sorry to say it, but your final time is 7:05 and @Rayquaza911 time is 7:00 Maybe in one of your featured attempts you will beat his time :D What I saw the loads are between each attempt pretty close, that means your end time -10.83s (your loading times) is your final time
Nicely done gg I will re-time it closely might be actually a bit more than 10s loading times
Julian's hardware tricks helped a lot xD GG's that's a good time
Here is the Screenshot of the End Frame
Okay, interesting. I suggest then setting the categories up through variables instead of adding it that way because it looks kinda strange like this and might confuse people. But yeah thanks for explaining that confused me a bit.
Can a mod kindly explain why there are for all AutoClicker categories runs with 0.001s that don't even have a video and don't have a user who played it?
Even that is against the game rules when I read through it: Your game audio has to be heard in the recording what means there has to be a video as well.