Skåne, SwedenGoddo7 years ago

Cheers for all the replies you lot!

I will in that case most probably end up using antimicro to map the button then instead of steamworks, since I've used it in the past to satisfactory results. I did manage to get the double-bash down pretty consistently using y and lb on steamworks, but antimicro should have lower input lag in that case.

I would buy Ori:DE, but I completely missed/didn't know about the voucher window (Especially sad was that I was given the game as a birthday gift... a day before Ori:DE released :|) so I'll probably swap over during the next steam sale!

I suspect the skills from Ori carry over to Ori:SE, so I'll just run this until I can get it :)

Thanks again!

  • Goddo
Skåne, SwedenGoddo7 years ago

I'm completely new to the speedrunning scene, casually picked up Ori as a game and would like to know if the following is permitted within speedruns for Ori.

Double bashing seems pretty vital in reaching sub 50, but it seems pretty hard to do on a controller using only the base control scheme. Are we permitted to remap (Using steam big picture mode) controllers to feature two buttons that activate bash? Let's say that we bind RB to right click, meaning that we have y = bash and RB = bash Is this permitted?


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7 years ago
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