Georgia, USAGnarslogge6 months ago

The game is also on switch, PS4 and PS5. Can't submit my runs til I have at least switch as an option. I know this board is new and there's no runs so it's no rush. Also rules? Any plans for ILs?

casualspeedrun المعجبون بهذا
Georgia, USAGnarslogge3 years ago

Forsaken is a first person shooter very similar to Descent, where you pilot a ship/bike and shoot shit. I think this is a fun and challenging game to run, and it's suited for speedrunning. You can fly super fast and every level has a clear objective with a time at the end.


Years ago this guy David Gibbons did some insane runs, and came up with routes for every level in the game. He laid the groundwork for runs of this game almost a decade ago and in all this time nobody has tried to beat them. I challenge any of yall to beat these times, they're crazy.

Aside from the N64 version there's a PS and PC version, and semi-recently a remaster was put on Steam.

Anyway I think this game is awesome and just begging for speedruns, and other than this one guy they hardly exist. Please check it out, I would love if we could build this community up, pick up a copy and try it out.


Georgia, USAGnarslogge4 years ago

Is there a way we could get a category for the N64 version? I feel a separate category would be appropriate, although the port is very faithful and all the same glitches are possible (from what I can tell). It runs a little slower and has longer load times

Georgia, USAGnarslogge5 years ago

I've been enjoying this game a lot but I can't submit any runs, just requesting the switch be added as an option

XerxesAsuras المعجبون بهذا
Georgia, USAGnarslogge5 years ago

Very exciting. What do you guys think of this? Can this be done in a normal speedrun or is there too much precision involved? I don't run the game although I've been following the scene for years. Is this the holy grail we've been waiting for or is there a catch to it?

Togain, Nami و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
Georgia, USAGnarslogge6 years ago


It’s so simple and I’m amazed it took me this long to realize.

Georgia, USAGnarslogge6 years ago

So I've been toying around with the poison caves section, and I realized that you can run straight through most of the stingers without getting stung. I also learned that if you jump as you're being stung you can negate the stun effect. These two tricks in combination with each other make for a good 10 second timesave. The route is pretty easy too.

Here's a clip of the old route (stinger jumps included)

and here's a clip of the new route

Hfkool المعجبون بهذا
Georgia, USAGnarslogge6 years ago

So I've stumbled upon a way to do the spans skip far more consistently. I've managed to do it 9 times in a row, as opposed to my record of only 2 with the previous method. All you have to do is hook on to the ledge and pull yourself up. This puts you in the exact same position every time. This means you can get used to the timing of the jump, making it much easier. It's a tad slower, but it's better than dying and restarting multiple times for sure.

I've included a video demonstration.

Georgia, USAGnarslogge6 years ago

although we've found quite a few skips and small timesaves, we still have to do many puzzles normally. This thread is for finding and sharing more efficient solutions to puzzles.

I'll go ahead and contribute the ones I know to get the ball rolling. Here's one for the TURN puzzle in the prologue.

Georgia, USAGnarslogge6 years ago

So I recently purchased the switch version of this game, and have taken great interest in speedrunning it. The problem I'm experiencing right now pertains to the load times. The rules state that timing starts upon selecting the new game option, but the time it takes to load the first level can take anywhere from 4 to 18 seconds. I found that starting a new game, quitting to the menu, then starting again makes the load time significantly faster, is that fine?

How fast are load times between versions?

Georgia, USAGnarslogge6 years ago

So I just beat the 4th place time in real time, but not in game time. It says I'll be in 5th after it's verified. So does game time matter more than real time? Does real time even matter at all?

Georgia, USAGnarslogge7 years ago

So in Lambolord's new WR he used a glitch abusing the radio and the button in Chamber 01. What exactly did he do here, and how can I replicate it?

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