CanadaGALLLABO6 months ago

Keyboard + mouse is objectively better for this game, dont plug in a controller or do anything like that if you want to play optimally

CanadaGALLLABO9 months ago

Wouldn't be against that but barely anyone runs the game as is, and this would create a ton of dead categories

xSpeedPhreek المعجبون بهذا
CanadaGALLLABO11 months ago

no, that's dumb

CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

https://www.twitch.tv/galllabo/video/1898053830 bringing this back, here's a run with only 1 savefile, I believe its slightly better than 2 savefiles due to the routing being more interesting. And its still not perfect, if someone else were to do this, they could probably find even faster routing than I did here.

wolfbloxer06 المعجبون بهذا
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

its a speedrun, you do the fastest option.

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

So we can either 1. make all segments no om0 which invalidates over 2 years worth of runs 2. Proceed with the variable change and have 4 dead categories that can not be submitted to 3. Or stay with our current situation.

EPICR123478 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

SRC has limitations and you can not make a variable like that only for specific segments, it goes for the entire category, so there would be 4 dead categories with the om0 variable that don't use om0. We have to wait until SRC fixes their variables and give an option to give a variable only to a specific category. I would definetely like to see this change, but until SRC fixes their site, it can't be done efficiently.

Hasco, KeithsTele, و EPICR123478 تُحب هذا
موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

watch casual vs speedrun, theres your answer

YunoSR, Glitchedblood و 6 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

it doesn't really matter what you put, probably ps5 cause if I recall correctly, before gta v officially launched on ps5, people played the backwards compatibility one for ps4 and they still put it as ps5 when submitting

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

the WR doesnt even get the 500K pre order bonus, lol

Glitchedblood, Taneesh2616, و goxaviergo تُحب هذا
موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

casual vs speedrun is a very good tool for explaining general things and general strats/game mechanics however due to how old the series is, its not a great learning tool.

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

The best way is to watch WR and try to learn from that, but if you want explanations there are some commentated runs on gtamarathon (2023) (2021) (2021) https://www.twitch.tv/english_ben/video/828295078 (2020) (Race, late 2019) (early 2019) friendlybaron has a giga outdated gdq submission from 2019 . There are tutorials for the first 2 segments but the rest have none https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCVwnyKO85SJwlRM1tPV3HzPjX4l4frxS There is no up to date written guide unfortunately If there's something you dont understand you can ask for help in the #speedrun-questions channel in the GTA V speedrun discord

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

yes you can, but there's disadvantages to it, downgrading isnt very hard anyways. It takes like 4 minutes at most to setup

TheDonkeyOfShrek, L0UIE, و CheesyWink تُحب هذا
موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

It's not a category because it is giga boring and very long. Nobody would run this.

VenXXII, WookiesLA420 و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
CanadaGALLLABO1 year ago

All Assassinations (GTA V) This category is just doing all 5 assassinations in the game, however there is a problem, as one assassination is mandatory to progress the story and other assassinations don't unlock until certain story missions are completed meaning 50 mins of the run is just doing non assassination missions to complete the required amount to unlock the other 4 Either there can be a category where its just one savefile and you have to do all those story missions, which is around 1 hour or it requires 2 savefiles, one for the first assassination, and once that one is complete you load a second savefile to do the other 4, which is around 15 minutes Since the first one is boring and you spend far more time doing main missions than assassinations, I suggest the 2nd option which I did a run of here, I didn't play very well there but it shows general routing and strats Timing starts as soon as the cutscene of Franklin waiting starts at the start of hotel assassination, and ends on the mission passed of construction assassination, the link to the savefiles are here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bqq3IePOGRYYM0jApGI7QopEDGKd9bXq

AragornStriderSpock, NediBuckets و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
CanadaGALLLABO2 years ago

Not shooting Conrad in episode 2 and letting him die in episode 3 by not giving him the gun is faster I made a whole essay explaining all of the differences but it got deleted while I was writing it for some reason, and I'm not rewriting it, but basically I added up all the scenes where Conrad vs No Conrad makes a difference for episodes 2, 3, and 4 and in total Shooting Conrad equals to 7:59 total Keeping Conrad alive and not giving him the gun in episode 3 making him die there totals to 6:38 Making this a 1:21 timesave This route is faster in all IL's too, mostly because in episode 2 the dialogue with Tripp after leaving the tunnel and at the new frontier gates are much longer if you killed Conrad In episode 3 after Clementine saves Javi from walkers, if she ran away last episode that dialogue is much longer, there are a few scenes that are slightly longer with Conrad alive but it is still overall faster for this episode. And in episode 4 Gabe exposing Javi for killing Conrad is a lot longer than the dialogue if you didn't shoot him Just wanted to share if anyone feels like running this again at any point

wubcool المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
CanadaGALLLABO2 years ago

which 100% category? classic, deathwish or taxis? they all have different routes

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