If indeed routing are so different and the fact that there's already Magnum% I would just drop any% in favor of a GL%. Feature them both in the way that RE2R separates Leon and Claire.
Now players can lock into the weapon they want with a tool, or they can optionally run without it if they'd prefer that RNG dictate which category they do.
Nvidia: 1. Download Nvidia Profile Inspector, this tool shows you an expanded list of settings included in your Nvidia drivers @ https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
2. Make a profile for RE:2 and limit the fps like this: Note: If the 120 fps setting ends up giving you a lock higher than that just lower it a few steps. The advantage of Inspector is that once you set your limit you will not have to run the app again and neither will it have to be on during play.
AMD: 1. Download the latest Rivatuner Statistics Server @ https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/rtss-rivatuner-statistics-server-download.html
2. Make a profile for RE:2 and limit the fps like this: Note: This app will have to be running while you play. It also works for Nvidia.
In-game Settings: V-Sync, if you're on a 60hz monitor turn this off or you'll be locked to 60fps. If you got a 120hz monitor you can skip the above tools and just turn v-sync on to lock it to 120fps. Framerate, keep this at variable if you're running 120/variable categories and set it to 60 for the 60fps one.
The steam display should be correct so if that doesn't work just do 112 if that's what gets you to 120.
@HorrorDoesSpeedRuns: @Orchlon: here's how to add it.
nvidiainspector if you got a nvidia card works too, it will just change the games driver profile so no need to run it after you first set it.
@Darazanjoll: I like it, there's more categories but I'd say it looks good that way. Give me that Standard / No OOB / Variable category.
Worth noting that base consoles run at lower FPS than their Pro counter parts so this is not only a PC issue. The newer consoles would benefit from this as well. I'd assume Capcom will patch the knife at some point, I don't really want to limit my FPS to 60 as it looks much worse doing so.
Edit: Not confirmed but I read that lower fps reduces the risk of getting grabbed by enemies as the check is made less often. This would benefit players on base consoles and bad PC's https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/ako5uw/re2_psa_knife_damage_is_directly_tied_to/ef6yv7s/
I'm not too bothered by it being a thing or not, only that runs which has such a high variance share one leader-board. The advantage is too large for using co-op over not using it. I don't know why anyone thinks it's a good idea to have one set of rules and then also discourage from taking full advantage of it.
I don't really care about semantics here, but feel free to add another column for the black market glitch and super greed while you're at it. This compromise, and any like it only stands to water down the category. This one in particular will not end well.
Only one that's similar is Antichamber? There's a difference between tracking additional time and having a column for a variant ruleset which changes things as much as the co-op glitch does.
This category has always included most if not all glitches that's been found, thus the column has no place here.
That was a discussion about allowing it or not, this is about removing your compromise which isn't a good solution. If I knew this was a discussion I'd have said something sooner. My point still stands, putting an asterisk next to some records defeats the purpose of having categories to begin with.
This is going to look silly and exaggerated but there's a reason leader-boards doesn't look like this:
I came by to check the leader-board after watching the new dea1h vod and the discussion in the recorded chat about how it's less legit began to all make sense. You should remove it before it becomes a thing, or until too many even sees it tbh.
It's either an accepted part of the category itself or it's not, there's no prestige in abstaining from using something that's allowed. If someone personally disagrees with it and don't use it then that's on them.
I think adding any kind of variables is a big mistake, that's something you do for categories themselves. Add a new 'purity' speed-running category or something where no glitches are allowed at all if anything.
Where else would you see this for something competitive? A record is a record, there's no shades of grey here.
@FSUYevon: If you ban the Eden reset tool now people will be less likely to accept it for the expansion, not only because of how it's perceived but also that those who fought to ban it will need to defend their view once the question comes up again later.
Most seem unwilling to accept this convenience tool and I doubt it's for the best reasons, you'll regret it eventually the next time you'd rather hit R to reset this character in rebirth, afterbirth or AB+ combined. And for what? All because it was used in a category that nobody cares about enough to run to begin with?
@sillypears: I still think Itemtracker gives an advantage, and it's an external tool. You may for example not remember that guppy piece you picked up in B1 was for this character or the previous one but a quick glance at the IT confirms it even after the in-game extra HUD no longer shows it. There can still be a seed showing without the additional features. That said I obviously don't want to get rid of it, it's a great tool.
I would like to ask everyone to reconsider for AB+ though, wouldn't you rather have this way to reset Eden when the new categories hit than having to do the same old exit to menu as you do now? You're getting very technical on what's a TAS or not where as I really just see the old way as tedious and would gladly be rid of it once and for all. The majority disagrees with my reasoning so I give it up for the older games, I'll be honest and say I'm a bit surprised 1 character wasn't a misc category to begin with.
Those who are strongly against it today just think about what you'd rather do when the expansion hits, it would be fair if everyone used it from the start and I think ultimately everyone would be happier for it.
But it does let you do things you can already do by yourself, resetting manually to find the best seed will produce the same result in the end. From the time the timer starts until the timer stops isn't affected by this tool at all.
@FSUYevon: This community already uses tools or outside programs during their runs, yet you want to ban a new one based solely on the fact that it's an outside program. Either you have a serious discussion about potential new ones or you ban all of them, including the item tracker and missing HUD.
Dea1h asked for the program to use himself and to break the record while the rest are rallying against it. The former is the best approach IMO!
Resetting is part of the time investment? Please, it's boring and nobody wants to do it and now you don't have to but since the record has now been broken the previous holder is salty about it, I should be more surprised about this than I am. If you care enough to keep this record it seems you are now able to download the reset mod and try it for yourself. The time itself is perfectly legit and it seems completely nonsensical to argue about instead of embracing the time-save.
Thanks for sharing sillypears, I do hope this becomes the standard for AB+ as there's really no reason for it not to be. Using it mid-run for the current version is obviously not good I don't see why it's used as a reason to shut it down completely.
No you're absolutely right, which is why I meant that this should be a thing for all the categories only once Afterbirth+ DLC hits. Until then it shouldn't be for more than the 1 char. If we could hold R to reset Eden for the new expansion categories that would be great.
@Pibonacci: Seeing as this community already has accepted forms of tool assists you can't just point a finger at the new one and call for a ban based purely on the fact that it's a tool assist without in the process removing the previous ones. The item tracker is far superior to the in-game one which doesn't show the full history without hitting start and losing time and gives an advantage over those not using it. I'm not as familiar with MissingHUD but from what I've seen advantage is gained by having information displayed you normally wouldn't have access to.
@sillypears: I assumed the Eden tool was already publicly available, if it's not then it needs to be so that anyone can go and try to do what Zamiell did. I think we all would agree on that the way of which we reset Eden is tedious, this tool should be the norm and widely accepted by the time Afterbirth+ hits. It's a quality of life mod that just should have been an option in the game to begin with..