New York, USAFatt3 years ago

Wii is substantially different from both Ps3 and Xbox 360, you can ask anyone and they will say the same. I also didnt ask you Zacc.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

Just one quick response to los here - I found mr freeze skip all the way back in around 2012, and actually managed to pull it off on the wii version. That isn't documented, so you are the first documented instance of that yes, but I claim I found it because I did find it all those years ago.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

I wont be commenting further on this forum post. Have fun making conspiracies guys!

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

JWC has been part of this since myself and Rift began researching this game. If Los can join the eligibility vote, than JWC can voice his opinion here.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

Also Zacc, thank you for falsely accusing me of making an alt! Much appreciated.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

NuttPak isnt my alt, his name is JwC. Hes also signed his name on the 'Letter to Speedrun.com' document. Its him, lol.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

that doesnt apply to this leaderboard. I will not be responding further.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

Luckily, I don't need to remain in the discord, as its my own right to not join. You didn't post the vote on the forums here whatsoever, and refused to reach out to anyone who ran the game that wasn't in the discord. It doesn't matter if the vote would be the same either way, you need to include everyone in the vote. Also, it wouldn't have necessarily been the same. We did the math ourselves.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

Lavafang was not listed as eligible on the eligibility document.

New York, USAFatt3 years ago

The moderation staff of this leaderboard have shown that they are incapable of moderating this game adequately, along with showing they lack knowledge of how this game works. Those who agree with this, please respond below.

The following document is a shortened list of reasons why the moderators need to be removed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AEp4-63wKsBE5WswvLfIJW0N6egDEap4-cxDlIUKesc/edit?usp=sharing

The bullet point list at the bottom of the document are the specific reasons why we would like this change to occur.

ChiliRaider, PopsStone, و SaltyNic تُحب هذا
New York, USAFatt3 years ago

Given that multiple people were alienated from the vote for no reason other than refusal to reach out to those not in the discord, as well as the alienation of a specific user for absolutely no reason, along with allowing another user to vote when they should not have been allowed to do, I believe that the vote hosted is incredibly inaccurate and not representative of a consensus amongst the community. Further details can be discussed if necessary.

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LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
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