I looked at the route in the CE doc and at the end when I add up the total moons it is 434 whereas the Instructions for the category here says 462
In Damageless, how do you get a score higher than 880 milliseconds if it is only counting moons. How did Fir get 5 minutes?
What if there was a 100% category, you need to do the equivalent to get every customization for your machine and every customization for your pilot card (excluding the “reach level” quests and the seemingly random ones like “boost 10,000 times”).
I have seen in many YouTube videos that the speedrunner has the actual game in the top right corner of the screen and has the speedrun timer, comments, and camera elsewhere on the screen. Does anyone know how to do that?
Hello, Back with another category idea. The category is Intended%. Do everything Nintendo wanted you to do before beating Ganondorf. There are some things I got online from looking up what I should do before beating Ganondorf and here’s what I came up with for the category:
6 Dungeons
All Towers
All Memories
Master Sword
13 Health
2 Stamina
All Penn Stable Quests
All Main Quests in Villages (in Rito Village, Zora’s Domain, Goron City, and Gerudo Town, you don’t need to do anything except beat the Dungeons)
Get the Camera
Get Autobuild and Fight Master Khoga 4 times
I was thinking there could also be in the Glitchless Subcategiry so you a run it with Glitches and Without Glitches as well. Let me know what you think!
Any% Glitchless paraglider Speedrun. Timer ends when you get the paraglider! Link to an example run: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F3qeLuN_pPxO_LVs28zX6-QpPOUZdR4K/view?usp=drivesdk
I think it would be really cool if there was a category for Any% Glitchless Mission Speedrun. Missions mening that you have to 100% the missions until you beat the game.