forgot what i say,,after the new update for some items,the problems on my pc is disappeared !!😂
thank u very much,the auto split really helps a lot ,its have so many items
If it's inevitable every time, it's OK,i think i can just close "escape propeller man(first time)",the split that i called it "machine Kingdom" will still works when I was killed by him twice.
@CursedToast @Swervelord some test and questions,the auto split of "escape propeller man(first time)".it works when i Jump into the tunnel to reach the ruins,its cool! but is that i cant be killed by him to cut down da score??because Each split will only fire once for the "lifetime" of the run,when I was killed by him twice ,the split works twice sometimes,once on death menu,once after reach the ruins.even i close that auto split(first escape), after be killed twice by him,the split will also works on death menu, i use ‘’LiveSplit Development Build‘’.
sorry...i find the flask(torso)
really thanks @Swervelord @CursedToast,sorry for my poor english,i mean restart from checkpoint,not the main menu,now i understand,it wont split the way,is there no auto split of flask4(body) ?
thanks a lot,a question,if used event split,like lady d boss start,than i restart game before killed her,than return to the black knife in coffin, the split will skip again??will skip to dirty flask? poor english sorry