United StatesDewOnTheGrass6 days ago

resubmitted after refurbishing accounts

موضوع: Order of Twilight
United StatesDewOnTheGrass2 years ago

How is the above stage glitch performed? the WR video is gone :(

United StatesDewOnTheGrass3 years ago

it's important

United StatesDewOnTheGrass3 years ago

can this game be completed co-op with only box wizard?

موضوع: Hollow Knight
United StatesDewOnTheGrass4 years ago

Seriously? That's unfortunate...

Afaik, the snow-in for the King's Brand is dependent on the blizzardEnded, savedByHornet, and outskirtsWall booleans, so if those were set to true, true, and false, respectively, it should make it so that the scripted event no longer triggers. I'll keep thinking.

rawspeed المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Hollow Knight
United StatesDewOnTheGrass4 years ago

To complete a Heretic% run, one must acquire the Lifeblood Core without charms that give Lifeblood masks. In other words, one must enter the Abyss having harvested 15 masks worth of Lifeblood Cocoons, and acquire the Lifeblood Core.

Due to the nature of the challenge, this run would have to be completed nearly benchless, and therefore virtually charmless, relying instead on pathing, very careful combat, and platforming. Since there are eight total Lifeblood cocoons, each requiring certain skills to reach, and doling out a total of 19 masks, the routes and strategies for this category would absorb a lot of optimization before being perfected, if it ever is.

rawspeed المعجبون بهذا
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