موضوع: Apeirophobia
Im pretty sure the mods were just trolling me (and no I didn't just figure this out) So chances are I probably wont become moderator especially since it has literally been 8 months since I posted this.
I still can hope but I probably wont post on this forum again unless I get moderator
PS go subscribe to Coolmax Gaming
موضوع: Apeirophobia
its been 2 months and everybody congratulated me but im still not a mod is there some sort of delay?
موضوع: Apeirophobia
Hello my username is Coolmaxxx1234 and my channel name is Coolmax Gaming. I am saying this to request to be a moderator for Apeirophobia. I have tons of experience and I have played the game since it came out. Please respond so I can know if I am accepted.
Thank you,
-- Coolmax
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